Look at this wonderful frog!

Jul 27, 2008 14:06

For years the kids' channel here would stop showing sitcom reruns at ten PM, at which point it would start showing movies for adults, usually not very recent ones. This was called Second Showing, which sounds better in Hebrew, and had a neat little Film Noir-style animation depicting detectives, dames, murder, celluloid and clapboards to let people now that now a movie will be shown.

This was mostly when I turned the TV off, but sometimes I'd watch the movie. I think this was how I saw the famous scene from A Clockwork Orange when I was ten. And possibly how I first saw Brazil.

In any case, when I was about twelve, I saw the first three minutes of a movie there and was then sent to bed. A few years after that I started trying to figure out what the movie was, on and off, and today I finally found it. Through a blog, even, without having to resort to IMDB keywords, which would probably not have been very useful.

I was going to just paste the paragraph describing the scene I remembered from the blog, but then I thought, what's YouTube for.

A heads up, this shocked me pretty badly when I was a kid, and it hasn't lost that much of its punch:

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