5-14-08 Wyatt, originally uploaded by
When you look at Wyatt, it's impossible not to smile. He is soft and round with his curly blonde hair and gorgeous eyes. He has my father's eyebrows, and sometimes shoots me a look that sends chills down my spine and makes me really miss my Daddy.
My brother went back to jail today for a 90 day stint. And it makes my heart break for Wyatt and Cole. They love their daddy, and drug addiction has taken him away from them time and time again. The boys don't deserve the pain they'll have from being away from John while he is in jail.
I told John yesterday that the most important thing for him to remember is that there is always hope. And that there are still people who believe in him and love him. It's not easy to believe in him. It's not easy to love him. But we do.
And while he's gone, we'll focus our love on his legacy, the rowdy and wonderful Dalton boys.