2-26-08 DADDY, originally uploaded by
Basil has an opportunity to take a job for the next two months, restoring an old building down in South Georgia. This would mean him being gone during the week, and driving home on weekends to see me, Beckett, and the dogs. And I imagine we'd make a trip or two down to visit him, and to see the work they're doing on the site.
I'm more than a little nervous about the idea of Basil leaving for two months. I know that Beckett and I would adjust, and everything will be fine if he decides to go, but Beckett has never been away from Basil for more than a long 3 day golf weekend before. Most of the time they are attached at the hip, and until Beckett was walking, Basil stayed home full time as Mr. Mom. Basil has been able to work more since Beckett started Montessori, but he still takes him to school every morning, picks him up at night, and stays with him while I work 2nd shift.
It will be interesting to see who has a harder time dealing with being apart. I know that Beckett will miss his Daddy, but he'll still have me, Roxie, and Skye. I have a feeling that Big Daddy will be the one crying tears in his beer.