Summary: A series of 200 word drabbles for the 2017 12 Days of Sherlolly.
Rating: G
A/N - Day Three - (“Poinsettia” submitted by @heathera9)
12 Days of Sherlolly Drabbles
Death By Poinsettia?
“Euphorbia pulcherrima,” Sherlock murmured as he ran his fingers through Molly’s hair.
She lifted her head from where it had been resting on his chest to look at him. They’d been having a lie-in; just cuddling on the bed, softly trading ideas back and forth. “Poinsettia?” she asked, wanting to make sure they were talking about the same thing.
“Yep.” He continued to play with her hair.
“Nope. It wouldn’t work, it won’t kill him. It’s not actually poisonous, no matter what the urban legends say.” Molly tilted her head into his hand, encouraging him to scratch her scalp. She practically purred when he did.
“It won’t kill him, but it could make him wish it did. Accidental ingestion can come with some rather nasty side effects if we could get him to eat enough of it. It would be easy enough to slip the leaves into one of his salads. The problem would be finding a way to mask the taste without arousing his suspicions.”
Molly shook her head. “Uh-uh. The game is ‘Murder’, not ‘Ways to Make Mycroft Sick Up’. That’s just cruel.”
“But you’re fine with plotting his murder?” Sherlock laughed. “You really are perfect for me.”