Aug 18, 2006 22:33
i am fascinated by numbers...i leave in 6 hours for on a plane in 9 hours..i am in awe...i said goodbye to my friends today...a large portion of them...and it was, im not quite's this type of sadness that is laced with excitement, which i never thought could the same time i am supposed to be psyched for school i am letting go of my comfort, my bubble...i have to say goodbye to my cats, i forgot about that...i have to say bye to my dad in an airport...i had to say goodbye to my best friends and do nothing but cry...i didnt even get to say goodbye to my sister, someone who i knew could give me a smile, and she wasnt here...and moreo is already worried that i have been fixating too much on the goodbyes...cause now im left with this red face, these snotty tissues and a feeling like i will never see the people i love again, but thats wrong...its just the first goodbye thats the worst..the first realization that it all changed, already, as soon as we thought about saying god, it did go by fast..but ya know what, i am going to have fun..i am going to live in a beautiful place..i cant forget that..i cant forget brewster..i cant forget my first friends..i cant forget to enjoy every minute, because as i hear, it goes by just as fast
i love brewster and the people in it who have made me ready for such a big leap...time to go :)