By now, all of you have managed to read the 2000+ pages in the Universal Health Care bills that our leaders are trying to ramrod through Congress, right? Of course you have... (just like the politicians supposed to vote on them.)
Well, for those who have not, an
interesting article popped up on CNN's "Most Popular" list today. If you haven't been keeping a first-person interest in the health care debate, well... now's the time to start brushing up. And I want to point out a few things about this article before you read it:
1) It's on CNN - not Fox News or Newsmax or some other source that makes a habit of trashing the current president's policies. And it's even written by one of the Editors of CNNMoney. So don't accuse me of shopping my sources.
2) It's clear that the article has pissed someone off, because while it's #2 on the "Most Read" list at present, it's all but impossible to find on the main site. Anywhere. Can we say "burying a story" boys and girls? (Let's hear it for automatic content aggregators that don't succumb to editorial control of pages!)
3) It's the only source I have yet seen to, basically, come out and call the President a liar on this issue. Obama keeps saying "You have the freedom to keep your current plan." As it turns out, the bills don't say that. They say the precise opposite -- and the article explains why.
I'm not even going to editorialize on this. Just read the article. I've been railing against Universal Health Care, in the form they want to create it, since the very beginning. There's nothing more to be said, except that it's about time somebody in the major media had the balls to stand up and blow the whistle on this crap.