May 14, 2006 18:03
Dear Destinynet,
'Tis the Day of Mothers.
I called my mother first thing this morning, and we had a pleasant conversation.
Mostly, we talked about Gary Anthony Williams. He's a fairly successful television/voice-over actor and improv aficionado who's sister went to school with my mother. My mother asked Gary's sister for his contact information, and then she passed it along to me. After a week of playing cat and mouse on the phone, Gary and I finally met last night at Gary's musical improv comedy show. The show consists of a three-person band called the Flying Fannoli Brothers, and they perform songs in a variety of genres based on audience suggestions. It's a very entertaining show. You haven't lived until you've experienced Yodel-Reggae. It's the musical genre that never was, but always should have been.
Also, the Flying Fannoli Brothers did a song about me and brother Tayon, which involved my little brother being sucked back into my mother's womb.
Just in time for Mother's Day!
After the show, I met Gary in the lobby, and then he invited me to take down the musical instruments with him and the rest of the band, and afterward, a group of us socialized at the adjoining bar.
He's a cool, funny guy, that Gary Anthony Williams.
Also, I talked to the dude responsible for the menus and bonus features on the Lost dvds--which, if you haven't seen them, are a work of art.
Today, Jana and I went out for coffee at The Farmer's Market next to The Grove, a very popular outdoor mall. Jana is my acting class buddy, and we had a swell time--especially me, because I had never been there before. We went to Starbucks, and we talked for at least two hours. I had such a good time. And the Farmer's Market is incredible. It was like being at an amusement park sans the rides. Just a whole bunch of people, walking around and going in and out of various eating establishments and high-priced clothing/souvenir stores.
It's definitely been an interesting weekend. Next weekend, I should be going to Six Flags with a group of my co-workers. Very exciting.
But now I plan to enjoy what is left of my Sunday.
Where Does the Time Go?,