Trying to remember

Sep 01, 2006 15:09

You know when you have something on your mind and you can't remember exactly what it is? Well I'm there! If anyone knows what the following things are please tell me!

1. An old movie, probably 1940 or 50's, about a man meeting a young girl at an ice skating rink. They fall in love, but he says she is too young for him. Every day they meet she seems to be a lot older. Finally, she's exactly the right age for him, but he finds out she's really a ghost. I think her name was Jenny.

2. An old movie, probably 1940 or 50's, about a man who's trying to kill a teenage girl. I think she may have witnessed him murdering someone. The girl had glasses and somehow loses or breaks them during the chase. He's chasing her through an amusement park, I think.

3. Someone's lj post that had pictures of several bjd's together. It wasn't like a doll meet, just more of a friend (and her dolls) visiting a friend (& dolls). The setting was outside; very beautiful and exotic. Maybe Hawaii? The person they were visiting had a beautiful, dark skinned, exotic female bjd. I may be making this part up, but is there a Tan Lishe? If so, she may have been one. I think the person visiting them had at least 2 or 3 dolls with her, mostly male I think. And of course, they were blown away by the exotic beauty (of the girl, not the setting).

4. Someone's lj post with pictures of a male (I think) bjd posed nude. He was lying down with leaves covering him in strategic areas. I think he had light hair. It was a really impressive fall scene, including leaves, spiders, snakes, crawling on and around him. Very Halloweeny and fallish!

Help me out here people - I'm going crazy with this!