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5. Nick/Tess - Seeing the Light
Nick: you okay?
Tess: Why wouldn't I be?
4. Rose/Damon - Rose's dream sequence
3. Melissa/Ben - End of episode 8 scene
Ben: No one night stands, no friends with benefits. I’m talking full on relationship or nothing?
Melissa: If we do this, we’re taking it slow. No rushing into bed again. Deal?
Ben: Deal. Is, ah ... kissing allowed?
2. Aden/Belle - The Beach
Belle: Let's walk.
Aden: Are you sure your strong enough?
1. Doctor/Rose - The Satan Pit
The Doctor: If they get back in contact - if you talk to Rose - just tell her... tell her... oh, she knows.
The Doctor: Except that implies - in this big grand scheme of Gods and Devils - that she's just a victim. But I've seen a lot of this universe. I've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi gods and would-be gods - out of all that - out of that whole pantheon - if I believe in one thing... just one thing... I believe in her.
Rose: It said I would die in battle.
The Doctor: Then it lied.
Ida Scott: Really, though, Doctor. Who are you?
Doctor: Oh... the stuff of legends.