Jul 26, 2004 21:41
hey to all who read this but dont get to see my entries because you dont have access to the friends-only posts...
i thought i'd update so you all know how i'm doing.
let's see... about three weeks ago, i got my liscense, and my friend susie and her family agreed to sell me her car, and theyre letting me give them payments on it. it sucks because i have to use all my own money to pay for the car, and for gas, but i'm so happy to be able to drive. it's so awesome, i dont know why i didnt do this two years ago..
my mom and i got an apartment, and it's pretty cool. not beautiful or exceptionally nice, but i'm happy with it.. there was a time i didnt know if we'd even be able to get in anywhere, so i'm happy we found a place to live!! we moved here about a week ago, and it's been going ok. still living out of boxes, but it's better than living IN a box!
overall, i'm a lot happier than i've been in awhile.. i still have my down moments, but i'll be honest when i say i've got a lot to be happy about now..
as far as my dad goes... (yeah, dad, i wouldnt be surprised if you're reading this, but honestly, i hope you do).. he doesnt answer my phone calls, return my messages, or ever call me. it's like i fell off the edge of the earth, and he could care less.. i guess, with 14 new kids to deal with, that's sort of hard, isnt it dad? i may be 18 now, but i do believe i'm still your daughter.. i dont know, maybe i'm wrong.. anyway, i'm so incredibly happy to see you care about me. i want to thank you, for: helping me out with my phone... being there for me when i have car issues... moving your shit out of our house... helping us move our shit... helping me set up all my stuff in my new room... helping me with money issues, because i'm an adult but i still need help... for buying me a laptop for college, which is something i desperately needed... just being my dad... OH WAIT!!! I MUST HAVE HALLUCINATED!!! YOU DIDN'T DO ANY OF THAT!!! YOU NO LONGER THINK YOU ARE MY FATHER, SO THEREFORE, I DONT NEED YOU TO DO ANY OF THAT ANYMORE... it's like you died. really it is.. if you want me to know you still care, maybe you should remind me that you know i'm alive... that'd be cool.
i hope to god you read this, dad, because maybe it'll tell you something..
or maybe not..
it's not like i matter to you anymore anyway.