Stargate: Atlantis fanfic recs

May 05, 2007 04:54

R and NC-17 ratings mentioned.
* = Last update (01/05/08)


Fics by shalott


20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (give or take) by merryish
There's a vast ocean surrounding the lost city of Atlantis...and we can go there. R

A Lorentzian Slip of the Tongue by Punk
Rodney isn't a Freudian. NC-17

A Not-So-Modest Proposal by reccea
"I'm pretty much left with you as the only reasonable person to assume the mantle of protecting my mind in perpetuity. So we should get married before I'm speared to death by some alien with rudimentary weapons and statistically improbable aim." NC-17

A Regular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle by out_there
When stuck in a time dilation field, Rodney learns Mad Ninja Skillz.

A Royal Deception by mandragora1
Atlantis needs Prince Rodney back. NC-17

About a lamp by torch/flambeau
Adventure, drama, thrilling escapes, cunning puzzles, math, eggs, Marines, scientists, Athosians, sex, alcohol, architecture, ghosts, bird-watching, and energy conservation. And a lamp. NC-17

Abstain by Resonant
Aliens force John and Rodney not to have sex. NC-17

Advantage by Resonant
This slave-owner thing was a lot of responsibility. NC-17

An Introduction to the Grapevine by laytoncolt
By his third week on Atlantis, Ronon had come to some conclusions. The Atlantians talked too much, but knew good food, their guns weren't as cool as his, and John Sheppard was obviously in love with Rodney McKay.

As hands do by Punk
Einstein said putting your hand on a hot stove could make a minute feel like an hour.

Atlantis Wasn't Built in a Day by eleveninches
"It was just his luck to get stranded in a galaxy where he had to live in a wigwam and eat polar bear."

Care in the Holding by laceymcbain
Everything comes back to the weight of a gun in his hand. R

Certain People Got a God Complex by eleveninches
An old friend needs McKay's expertise, so he takes Sheppard as collateral. Getting Sheppard back may prove to be harder than expected when McKay realizes they're dealing with a lunatic.

Converging by purna
John saves a man from drowning and takes the long way home. AU, NC-17

Coping Mechanisms by Amireal
"Just because the universe is headed towards entropy is no reason to think that it won't get better." NC-17

Distraction by laceymcbain
"Have you tried ear plugs?" Rodney asks.
"It’s in my head, Rodney. Ear plugs don’t do a lot when the voices are inside your brain!" R

Eight Ways John and Rodney Gave Themselves Away
by trinityofone
Nothing is secret which shall not be made manifest.

Face Value by minnow1212
"Yes, I think one telepath per Atlantis is enough," Elizabeth said. One too many, she murmured internally. R

Fireball by Celli Lane
Ladies and gentlemen, your driver of the Number 21 Air Force Ford Fusion, John Sheppard. AU, NC-17

Five Impossible Things Rodney McKay Did Before Breakfast by laceymcbain
Rodney hates that this is the day he’s going to disappoint everyone, and it’s little consolation he probably won’t be around to deal with the fall-out.

Hindsight by Pru/rageprufrock
sequel More Than
sequel Personal Item
Hindsight is at best, only 20/20. AU, R

Intersections by Kaneko/kaneko
Rodney's Antarctica is a lot like Siberia in that it's full of scientists who work 16-hour days and bathe once a week (twice when they're feeling social). NC-17

Kid A by Speranza
"I'm not gay, Rodney," John says, and it's awkward to have to say it, but it really has to be said. NC-17

Last Will and Testament by Speranza
"It's about your father. Your father is dead, Rodney." AU, incest, NC-17

Misled by barkeep
There's a disturbing lack of heroic reward sex in the Pegasus Galaxy.

Negotiations by laceymcbain
Aliens made them do it … but they didn’t have to try very hard. Set in S2 somewhere - no real spoilers, though. NC-17

Only Grumpier and With Darker Hair by scribblinlenore
Who knows what you'll find on the path to personal discovery? genderswitch, NC-17

Phantoms by laytoncolt
"Humans kill each other all the time. Only in a perfect universe do only aliens try to kill us."

Scenes from a Lesser War by amireal
This. This was something that needed taking care of. In a non-traditional sense. NC-17

Snapshots from an Unlikely Relationship by laytoncolt
The universe held more blue skies than he could count.

Standing in for Atlas by laytoncolt
Rodney never really wanted to be a hero.

String Theory, A Concerto for Violin in D Minor by toft_froggy
"John Sheppard had a son? And he plays the violin too? What is he, a masochist?" AU, NC-17

Such Is The Way To The Stars by agentotter
Getting by in a world of finite resources. More or less.

The Hero Thing by laytoncolt
"This is where you come up with a crazy plan to save the day. This isn't the kind of situation that requires my brilliance--this needs explosions and guns."

The Holiday Season by out_there
John suffers a series of Christmas misadventures (and he's sure Rodney's to blame).

The Hostage Major by Frostfire/frostfire_17
"You can't just--kidnap people if they're about to do something you don't want them to do!" AU, NC-17

The Lending Library by iphignia939
Naturally, when several hundred people moved to another galaxy, they brought porn.

The machinery of heaven by torch/flambeau
On a trading mission, the team gets caught up in local politics. NC-17

The Other Half of the Equation by lamardeuse
A few months ago, he’d never have considered that "death without honour" would ever be on a par with "death from soul-sucking alien." NC-17

The Speed of Light by resonant8
Rodney let his head fall back. He couldn't tell whether his eyes were open or closed. He opened them. Still couldn't tell. NC-17

What You Might Call Obvious by giddygeek
"Just so you know, you've ruined your chances of ever getting me to sleep with you." NC-17

Your Inevitable Unhappy Ending by Helen
It was easy to imagine fucking Rodney, the way he'd groan and clutch at John's arms and be too bossy about the whole thing; it was easy to imagine the problems it could cause. NC-17


Absurdity Theory by julad
John held up the recorder again, and pressed play. "Quack quack quack," it said, in Rodney's voice. "Quack honk quack quack honk honk!" NC-17

Beneath the Roses by julad
Some of it is behind closed doors. Some of it is locked away.

The Appeal of Scientists and Circuitry by out_there
There are advantages to sleeping with a fellow scientist. NC-17

The Secret Life of Scientists by julad
By the time Canada took the 2002 gold, Rodney was drunk as a skunk and determined to move in with Radek Zelenka. Ice hockey! Hours and hours and hours of ice hockey! R


Care Packages by auburnnothenna & eretria
Packages from home, booze and fishing.

If You Can't Beat Them by lemonbella
In the ten months since Lorne first set foot in Pegasus, he had typed a request for reassignment seven times. mostly crack/gen

Instructional by jenn
Remix, Pedagogically Sound (Instructional: the Feedback Loop Mix) by arysteia
The learning curve can be a little rough.

* Not A Threat by Neery
Rodney turns into a Wraith.

Rodney's Scrapbook of Death by maryavatar
Rodney keeps all his death threats. image heavy

Sleepwalker by laytoncolt
Sometimes he thinks he can even hear people talking in the walls, and it sounds like they're saying come home.

The Odd Couple by laytoncolt
McKay had become this permanent fixture in his peripheral, this snarky presence he only really noticed now when it wasn’t there.

fic rec, links, fandom: misc., ooh shiny

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