posting- for posting sake

Jan 29, 2004 22:09

Im posting for posting sake really. Not an exceptional amount to report- life is life and i'm living it (not necessarily the way I'd predicted- but i guess it was probably all part of the master plan anyhow- bastard plan)
Every good is good, every bad....well daaa, it sucks.
Good things.. work is going way good and way fast...and Im taking it step by jump to where i wanna be- thank goodness for 6 fucking years of college or perhaps for over a decade worth of good ol' real life and experience (enough to convince the high street fashion world (not they account for anything- accept every young northern girls baby sitting money)that I look strange but I am "the shit".
Bad things... all those that are close are far away (aka. all those that I consider friends live over 20 miles away except maybe dear 'ol Bobalina and trusty ol' Wal)

ps. this post was sponsored by a bottle of good red wine.

pps. I may be in london soon-watch this space..
say dev on a friday nite..( no not tomorrow :( )
say EH Saturday.......... you may be surprised. (yeah right)
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