Nov 15, 2005 14:13
I´m sick today... How wonderful... >_>
I´m saving for my next ABJD. She will be a Soo Dark Human - with white hair and violet eyes. She will be my character Sookie. I´m ordering her around january. I need around 3500 kr - I have 1500 by now, and d I plan to put away 1000-1500 more in december. And I just hope my family gives me some money for christmas, hehe... I really can´t wait to get her home. I already bought her clothes. But until then, Trace just have to model Sookies clothes XP
I am also saving for Isobel, an AR Diana... Hopefully I can buy her around the end of february.
I am having a shop at a convention for japanese street fashion and abjds, this february. I will have a shop were I sell my clothes and me and some friends will have a doll shop too, where we sell furniture, clothes ect.
Mia from will also have a shop with parasols, bags, jewellery and such, in the lolita-fashion style. I really look forward to this. Er haven´t set the date yet, but it will, we think, be around feb.
It´s gonna be so fun. There will be a fashion show, a costume party (since its close to.. "fastelavn"...) and shops and lots of fun...