May 28, 2006 02:13
We were invited to a cookout tomorrow thrown by Robert's uncle. The invitation was extended by said uncle's wife. The uncle had no idea about whether it was tomorrow or Monday nor what time it was. We were invited for tomorrow at one. Doy.
Anyhooter, We might be getting a window ac for the apartment *Cheers and rejoices* It's gonna be HAWT so we might get a lil window ac, it won't be much just enough to keep the heat out during the day which is fine with me. The 94 degree weather and 93 degrees will be crappeh and the ac would be nice to keep that to a minimum if we can get it. Hopefully I can work myself a deal out tomorrow with this guy, which is incidentally enough, the uncle I mentioned.
Not much happened today, it was my anniversary with Robert. We've been together officially 3 years now. He took me to lunch n we DID IT. That's right, we had S-E-X! *snickers* it was HAWT too. Enough about my sex life though. Y'all don't get the dirty details(much to yer relief I'm sure). Now I'ma make like a tree n leaf cuz I should be in bed or some shit.