
Oct 15, 2008 11:39

Hey dudes. I'm bored at work right now (what else is new? HELLO CAREER CHANGE?????) So I'm going to post!

Us crazy Canucks had our national Thanksgiving holiday this weekend. Dave and I took a Greyhound into Hamilton and went to see my mom and Wayne for the night. As usual, my mom bought a 3000-pound turkey for like, 8 people, but dayum what a yummy feast! I got a little anxious at dinner because my mom placed me on the side of the table against the wall and the table was so crowded with family, and I kept getting hot and nervous and tiny heart palpitations... right after dinner I was like, VROOM, outside!

All of us (me, Dave, my mom, my mom's husband, my bro, some of my mom's husband's family, my bro's friend Sean) hung out on the back deck for awhile and drank wine and beer and my mom's special creamy chocolate martinis. After most of the family left, me, Dave, Dusty and Sean stayed out there, drinking and being completely retarded and obnoxious. We invented a drink called "Placenta Casserole Burger Juice" hahaha! It's 1 part Peach Schnapps, 2 parts orange juice and like, 4 parts beer. It tastes like a fizzy orange-y refreshing cooler without the sweetness of a regular cooler. Like a beer spritzer! Mmmm. Then we watched hilarious YouTube videos of Andy Samberg as Mark Wahlberg and Liam Kyle Sullivan stuff, and laughed ourselves to sleep.

I love my family so much. They're so fun, and going to my mom's is always the best. Although, it's different now because I don't see it as my "true home" anymore. After living on my own for 6 years I finally feel like London/my apartment is my home and I always look forward to going home to it and the kitties whenever I'm gone even for a night. I can't wait until Dave and I buy a house. I SOOOO want this little pointy purple witch house around the corner from us. It's my DREAM house. I'll have to post a picture of it sometime.

So, once again I am feeling job hatred and loathing, and I've been getting little bouts of anxiety again. Am I ever going to get out of this job and actually DO something? How do I make a change? I am just not fearless enough to do it without some sort of plan or security. I wish. I don't want to forever be stuck in this problem where "I'm too comfortable at my job to leave but I loathe it, I can't go back to school because how will I afford it and I can't afford to not work full time; what do I want to do with my life?!?!" thing. It sucks so much. I just want a huge ball of ephiphanies to come and smack me in the face, so I can be like "OH THAT'S what I want!"

More and more I'm starting to realize that I'm not a person who is going to be happy working a regular job like a regular person. It's fine for now I guess, but I won't be happy unless I am doing something interesting that I can learn from everyday, that allows me to be who I am, that throws curveballs in my face and presents me with challenges, that allows me to see the world and travel for work, that doesn't trap me into a normal super-stable life.........

Looks like I need to just become a fucking rockstar, right?
Makes sense though, doesn't it...


Michelle randomly messaged me today to ask if I'd like to get together for drinks tonight. I gladly accepted. I haven't seen her for such a long time. Her mom's alzheimers has gotten quite severe lately so she has been busy with taking care of her and hasn't had much time for a social life. I feel for her so hard. We've had discussions in the past about her mom's disease and it's just really taking a toll on Michelle. Alzheimers is quite possibly, in my opinion, the most terrifying disease ever. To lose yourself and your world and everything that you once knew to be true... It makes me shudder. I hold all of my memories so very dear... I can't even stand the thought of what it would be like for them to all slowly disappear. What are we if not our memories??? Poor Michelle. I can't imagine having to watch a parent suffer through such an indignity. I pray that I never have to.

Nonetheless, I can't wait to see her. I look up to Michelle so much. She's just such an all-around incredible woman. I could go on about all of her amazing qualities, but for now I will just say that I am very lucky to have met and befriended such a prime example of a spectacular woman. There may be an almost 10 year age gap between us but she is a young punk kid at heart, always will be.

Also, Jen is going to be calling me from Norway tomorrow morning before my gyno appointment (yes, another one......). I'm so excited! This will be the first time we've talked on the phone with her there and me here! I dunno, we always just write each other emails but I guess she just decided that we really need to hear each others' voices, and I agree. I can't wait to talk to her, and find out how her new job is going, and discuss our upcoming European extravaganza, and her upcoming trip home for xmas/new years (yessss! Party time x 10,000,000).

Aw. Hurray for wonderful female friends, no matter how near or far.

friends, career, life, family, confusion, bad feelings, my girls

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