late night feelings and brainfarts

Oct 10, 2008 01:13

Blugh. I'm feeling stupidly self-conscious/low self-esteemy today.
I hate when I feel like this because it seems so shallow and pointless.
But, nonetheless, when it comes... it comes.

I'm usually all about the positive self-image and seeing myself in a good light, but I'm obviously human so yes I definitely do have my low days. I'm feeling all of these stupid lame sentiments such as "I wish I had nice arms" and "I wish my front teeth weren't munged" and "I wish I could stop being stupid and fucking stick to my weightloss because I feel like a sluggish sack of poop" and other such pointless ramblings.

To be human is to criticize thine apparent short-comings.


Now that we have a room in our new apartment that is dedicated to making music (and also taking photos), I am hoping that maybe Dave and I can FINALLY start churning out songs and making Charlie Sheen a reality.

I am trying to convince Matty and Chris to make me their new bass player for The Clydesdales (joke-punk band they started recently). Apparently their current bass player is a lame-o nerdbot who barely ever says two words. I'd be way better than that dork! I am super enthusiastic about playing in a band again, and for some reason, people really like to go see shows when there's a chick in the band (even though I hate the whole "there's a CHICK in the band!" thing). We'll see. It would be total funtimes; those guys are awesome and I have a lot of fun with them, so being in a band with them would be great.

In other news, man I hate snakey, two-faced people who try to play it off as though they aren't what they are. And I hate tough-guy assholes with LAME fauxhawks (I told one off last weekend for being a cock-sucker to my friend. He walked away with his tail between his legs, because tough guys aren't so tough when you call them out), and I hate lame-ass chicks who are way too full of themselves. Hate hate hate! Kill kill kill! Bummerjam bummerjam oh it's the bummerjam soooonnnnnnng.


I have decided that I am going to definitely be Lemmy for Halloween. But that is only for going-out times/Matadors on Thursday/Black Donnellys and Midwives on Friday. At work, I have two costumes - I'm wearing costumes all week long. One is a geisha girl outfit, and I'm going to do the bun with the chopsticks and the geisha girl make-up and thong sandals and everything. The other is this spectacularly hot military general/nurse type thing.

I'm not wearing the hat in the picture because it looks awkward and I have to figure out a way to make it look better/pin it in place, but you get the idea. This is an outfit I would totally wear out... well, sans gloves. Oh fuck it, gloves all the way!

Ps. I think my cats are snoring really loud!!!

Pss. I am pretty much due for a hearty thrift store raid soon.

self conscious, halloween, blah, band stuff, jerks, bummertime, photographs

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