she blinded me with science... and uv rays.

Sep 30, 2008 19:56

The amount of men who come in to my work on their lunchbreaks just to buy a condom so that they can go bone their secretaries is unbelievable.

I think I am now fully recovered from this weekend. I woke up on Monday morning at 8 am sore, bruised, aching and a little woozy in the stomach, but I had a great big twinkle in my eye and a zest for life because I had one of the funnest weekends I have had in about a million years.
The whole drunken tattooing debacle on Friday night was a riot, and then Sunday night I put on my turquoise fishnets, black shorts, Dave's pink Horse the Band shirt featuring Krang from the Ninja Turtles, and bright purple eye makeup,

(sorry for the stupid from-above-angle shot... it's the only way I can get the whole outfit in the shot if I'm in a rush)

and I hit up the gay bar with Amy. It was pretty dead at first, which was surprising, because the Fritz Helder & the Phantoms show was really getting a lot of hype. Dylan put us on the reduced door price list which was really cool of him. We floated back and forth between Seven and Call the Office for awhile, and a ton of people were out and about that night. I saw Kara, Dana, Holly, Tony, Thom, Jay, Jess, Mercedes and a bunch of other friends who I definitely don't see enough.

Fritz Helder & the Phantoms finally got their fashionable asses onstage at Seven, so me and Amy went up front with our drawn-on Mr. Peanut Crew mustache and monocle Sharpie hand tattoos, which were, in our opinion, "top shelf."
The band was great: 3 dudes, 1 gal, really campy, flamingly gay electro-minimalist dance songs with hard Casio beats and sweet choreographed dance moves + Destiny's Child-style matching outfits. They sang about shit like Louis Vuitton handbags (for which they borrowed my purse as a prop, and play-fought over it while chanting "that's MY Louis Vuitton!" For the record, my bag was not a Louis Vuitton.) I had a super great time, and the chick in the band had a gorgeously angular face you could sharpen diamond points on and the most INCREDIBLE legs I have ever seen with my own two cartoony-popping-out-going-"A-OOO-GA!" eyes.

After they finished, Amy had gone home early so Thom, Jay and I went over to Call the Office again to hand out some flyers for their Shake Appeal club night, and Jess found me and told me that I "just HAVE to" stay out and hang out with her after hours. I was really drunk and having a fabulously fun night, so I agreed, even though I knew I had to work the next morning.
We left CTO at like 3 am, and we walked over to the now defunct Salt Lounge with some of Jess's friends, including this guy Jake I know, who still had his staff key for the Salt Lounge. When we got inside, there were still beers and glasses all over the bar, as if it had been a sudden emergency evacuation. So Jake poured us all giant pints of over-flowing, cold beers, and I met a cool girl named Jenny who was also very drunk, who I talked to for a long while. I finally left around 4 am after one of their friends got all drunkenly angry about something and caused some hilarious drunk-guy-meaningless-drama.

just a few, I should have taken way mor, don't know why I didn't...:


My nails are crazy ultra-violent tye-dye right now. I can't stop looking at them! Haha. I did them a deep purple with one thin, crappy layer of hot pink on top, so they look kind of acid-washed, like you could get radiation poisoning from them.
Um, anyway, that was random...

Dave and I STILL haven't been able to move yet (we were supposed to move on the weekend) because our building owner is still doing god knows WHAT to our future apartment. FUCK this is so inconvenient. The weekend would have been the perfect time for us to move. Especially Sunday during the day, which we had PLANNED on. Now Thursday I have my hair consultation and a movie date with Amy after work, Friday Dave is playing a show in Hamilton at Absinthe, Saturday morning I have to go in and get my hair done which is going to take AT LEAST four hours... IF we're going to be able to move in on Sunday, it's already going to be October 5TH! Ridiculous! We had better get a break on our rent for October or something. This is bullshit.

The rest of the stuff I ordered online came yesterday. Woot. My neon splatter hoodie is heeeeere! It's fucking awesome! It's even better in person, and it's a thin sweatshirt material, so I was pleased as a pea. I am obsessed, OBSESSED with all things neon and crazy technicolour right now for some reason. I really want a pair of sweet neon hightops. I might just buy a pair of white Chucks and customize them with lightning bolts and shit, just with like acrylic paint. There's also this GREAT sweater dress at H&M right now that I saw in a magazine. It's black and long-sleeved with bright green, yellow, pink and black horizontal stripes down the front of the torso. It's so GRAND! Must buy.

Well, it's almost 9 o'clock, which means my lame Tuesday night television love is coming on. That's right, the new 90210 has suckered me in... suckers.

clothes, friends, fun!, partying, moving, bands

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