we want to pump - BAM! - you up!

Jan 02, 2008 22:08

I'm just getting ready to go PUMP SOME I-RON. I've got the motivation to work out tonight (I think) so I've definitely gotta take advantage of this! Right now I'm just letting my popcorn settle before I start doing any crunchy-weight-kick bullshit so that I don't throw up in my mouth.

Guess who's going to Florida in February? THIS GUY! My aunt and my cousins invited me to go along with them to this beach house they're renting. I'm going to have to go on a plane for the first time in my life! 2008 is the year of flight! Fuck it, who cares. I'm going to go on a damn plane and get over this stupid fear. Yeah, of course I'll be thinking of dying the whole time. Yeah, of course I'm going to get hopped up on drugs before I get on that plane. And no, I'm definitely not going to be looking out any windows (my method is going to be just pretending I'm in a room in someone's house that just happens to shake once in awhile...?). But I'm going to go on a plane and have some fun in Florida. I need this trip so bad. I was supposed to go last year, but I didn't because of my relationship drama (although, in hindsight, it would have been the perfect thing to do for myself and escape the shitty things that were going on at the time...), but I'm going this time man.

Me and Dave on New Year's (on our way out the door):

New Year's Eve was good times. Dave and I went over to Matt and Laureen's party and we all got drunk and crumped like morons and partied with their landlord. Dave and I dressed up even though no one else did. It's what we do. We did it last year too. Whatever, we looked GOOD. Especially him. Mmm. I looked pretty rad too though.
I've been getting clothing-creative lately, for some reason. Not like, crazy or anything but I've just been putting together really cute outfits, mixing and matching certain pieces that I have and being more concerned with my style. In the past few years I've been sort of in a style rut, even though my "style" is pretty undefinable. When I was in highschool I was very ecclectic, having been your typical "goth" when I was 12-14, and then sort of mixing in punk/candy kid-type stuff. I wore a lot of funky jewelery and I always wore wigs and weird hair accessories, and I just really had my own sense of style. I remember when I was 18-19 I used to wear a fucking nurse outfit out to the bar all the time! Haha. People loved that. Then I just sort of... stopped caring. My style really just sort of sat on the back-burner and I got pretty bored with clothes and stuff.

But in the past year or so I've been really, really into certain fashion (probably because I read a lot of Nylon and Bust) and I've been getting more inspired with clothing, and I think the fact that I'm back on the weight-loss train is pumping me up about my style as well. I'm majorly picky about what kind of clothes/accessories I like, but I think I have to feel good about myself to really let my inner fashion sense come out.
I'm definitely going to start making more clothing again too. I miss doing that. I have a lot of cool ideas for fun little dresses and shit.

Uh, anyway, back to New Year's...
Dave and I were going to sneak out and go to NYE Raygun at Call the Office, but it got really crappy outside, so we decided not to. All night we were clawing at each other, and we were all like "oh yeah, I can't wait to get you home, rowr!" but... when we got home, I got the royal treatment, andddddd then I rolled over and fell asleep. HAHA. Oh well, that's what drunk girls do! Wham, bam, thank you SIR. And then I got my lady-times on New Year's Day. Wakka wakka! I definitely owe that kid some New Year's-caliber payback.

Ps. It's really cute when you fool around with the lights on, and boys lie down at your vag-end and poke around like you're a science experiment, saying things like "WOW! It's so cool down here! I've never really looked at everything, you know... so in-depth!" Hah.

Okay! Time to go get sweaty!

partying, reflection, sex, florida, love, gym, working out, photographs, personality, changes

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