tell me who's that broad?

Oct 02, 2007 11:34

Hey hi hello.

Old White Stripes, rockin' my world today. Mmmyeah.

Someone should give me a mother-effing Good Samaritan Award. I've been like a fricking nun lately, doing all kinds of good deeds and stuff while I'm out and about. Building up my karma bank, baby!

Me and Dave are currently in the very early stages of working on a new band/project together. It's going to just be fucked up, jokey noisy electro-punk stuff... the working name for it right now is Let's Play Cat-Darts, haha.
Dee Dee's giving us Pro Tools for my computer so we're probably just going to record it all on there, and experiment with different ways to do things. I wrote some stuff a few months ago with my bass plugged into a guitar amp with heavy distortion, so I think I'm going to continue with that theme, and then we're gonna fuck around with electronic drums and blast beats, and Dave's got some ideas kickin' around so I think he's gonna bring his keyboard home from the jam space. He's all brainy at recording things and messing around with different ways to get cool sounds, so this should be fun. Wakka wakka!

I had a horrible dream last night about lava. Something about lava flowing into the town and it was unstoppable... I remember climing up onto a house-top and sitting there, waiting for death. Cheery! Needless to say I woke up feeling horrible. Come to think of it, I really haven't been sleeping all that well lately. I'm already a pretty light sleeper most of the time as it is, but the past couple of weeks I've just been waking up all through the night. It's probably because I'm sleeping next to someone every night right now. I tend not to sleep well next to someone because I think my subconscious wants to make sure that if something happens to them in their sleep that I'm awake enough to help them? Because when I'm sleeping alone, I sleep like a bear. It doesn't help that Dave's been doing weird things in his sleep lately, like getting up, opening the closet, standing there for a second until I say something, grunting and then coming back to bed. And he snores so loud when he sleeps on his back. And our cats make a lot of noise at night. Especially Bruiser. And the people upstairs are the worst fucking neighbours ever and tend to like to REARRANGE THEIR APARTMENT AT 1 AM EVERYNIGHT? AND ARE CHRONIC DROPPERS OF HEAVY OBJECTS. And the stove timer alarm has been going off randomly at night, and of course Dave is a grizzly bear and never wakes up, so I have to. And I hate how our sheets feel so I'm always tossing and turning. Blah.

music, band stuff, songs, dreams, lol, random music, me and dave

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