I suppose I should make sort of a regular update before it gets too far past.
Birthday weekend was great. The best birthday I've had in years. Thursday night was the official party at TAH. We played, screwed up a song but I don't think anyone cared. A whole bunch of people came out which I was so pleased about. Dredd and I have started a Hamilton caesar trend. I was drinking them all weekend!
On Friday night I thought I had to work but it turned out I didn't (the event had its own door person, this extremely tall, sexy Polish guy in a three piece suit... dang!), so Lou convinced me to stick around and drink with him and Gunner, and we shot the shit live on Gunner's live-to-air radio show.
Everything about the weekend is blurry... um, Saturday was the Sonic Unyon xmas show, which was packed and really fun. Jenny showed up so I got some lovin' from her... more caesars, of course... shots of Jager...
Great weekend.
I already gave Dave his xmas gift. I got him an iPod Touch. He was giddy. It's a sexy piece of machinery.
We're heading out to London tonight to party with the boys, and then tomorrow afternoon we're doing dinner with Dave's family. I'm coming back to Hamilton tomorrow night to hang out with my brother and stay at my mom's. Dave's coming back xmas day and then we're staying at my mom's until the morning of the 27th, I think.
I can't wait to hang out with the London boys tonight. I miss them so much. No doubt we'll get up to some kind of trouble tonight. I also can't wait to go to Call the Office. We haven't gone back to London since we moved in May and it'll be really nice to see everybody again and visit the old haunt.
This was totally boring.
Happy holidays, people.
Ps. I am officially OBSESSED with Fever Ray. Genius. Fucking genius.
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This video is also really amazing.