eventful weekend

Dec 08, 2009 05:04

Friday night - Got all jazzed up and went out with Dave and Biff to Casbah. Boring indie bands. Met up with Andrea and drove over to This Ain't Hollywood. Watched a great real jazz band play, featuring Brian Griffiths who is an extraordinary local guitar player. Had a bunch of drinks, talked girl talk with Andrea, congratulated Douggie on winning his Best Soundman award from the Hamilton Music Awards Industry Awards earlier that day. Shot the shit with some of my dude friends from the bar, listened to some Dead Kennedys playing out of a speaker in Dread's coat, took a drunken Dave home. That's the night I smoked some CRAZY weed that Dread gave me, and it made me vomit because I smoked too much of it (you don't need a lot of this stuff) after I was already half drunk. Regretful times!

Saturday night - Ran errands with Dave in the afternoon. Picked up a few more xmas decorations. Got dolled up again and escorted my lovely friend Lasha to the Hamilton Music Awards. She was presenting three awards that night. We got there and hung out backstage for awhile with Lou and Ric and some of the other people we knew (Lasha obviously knowing a lot more people there than I did since she's totally immersed in Hamilton's music community), drank Lou's contraband beer, did some photos, snuck outside for cigarettes. Everyone looked amazing in their dresses and suits and formalwear. Especially Lash - she had bought, just for the occasion, this super cute strapless miniskirt bubblehem dress from Forever 21 that just looked fantastic on her spunky little self! The skirt was all poofy without being frilly, it was freaking great.
The awards ceremony was alright. Not entirely boring, but not mind-blowingly interesting, either. Although this one act that performed really caught my attention. The woman's name was Melissa McClellan I believe, and the band was just her on one of those steel-fronted hollowbody guitars, and her husband playing slide guitar. They sang a bluesy song about blood, fighting, revenge... I fell in love! Her voice, the song, the lyrics, the atmosphere... freaking brilliant stuff. I was impressed.

The stupid Arkells won a million awards. Monster Truck won for Best Loud/Metal Recording of the Year! Haha! Awesome. Harv looked so dorky and awkward onstage. The Vapids (Lasha's husband Jim's band + local punk legends) scored Best Punk Recording of the Year but none of them were there to accept because 3/4 of the guys don't care about the HMAs, and the only one who does care (Scotty, whose dad sat beside me during the awards and was a total hoot) got called in to work that day. So Lasha ran up onstage and accepted the award for them, stating that they were on tour in Japan, and that she'd like to thank herself and Lisa (Scotty's girlfriend) for being the biggest supporters of the band and the best band wives ever. I fucking love her, she's so insane and will do anything to make herself laugh.

Lash accepting The Vapids' award for "Best Punk Recording"

Ric, Lasha and local musician Bob Bryden

Monster Truck on stage accepting their award!

Gordie Lewis and Lou (one of my bosses at the bar... we won the industry award for "Best Live Venue"!) presenting an award

Lasha and The Vapids' award. I feel bad because this is NOT a good picture of her... let it be known that that is a shadow and NOT a moustache, hahaha!

We ducked out 3/4 of the way through the awards ceremony and met up with Kerry in the lobby, and went back to Kerry's house for wine, beers, cigarettes and girl talk. I love that I, at 26 a total baby, can sit next to Kerry, the coolest, hottest 50 year old woman I have ever met, and we can relate in so many ways and have so much fun and giggles. I've always connected better with people older than me, but still, it just reiterates my beliefs that age is absolutely insignificant and totally irrelevant.

I went home around 11:30 and Dave's best friend Brandan had come over. He was on his way back to St. Thomas from Toronto and decided to stop by when he drove through Hamilton. I thought that was cute, 'cause him and Dave looooove each other and I think Dave really misses Brandan a lot (he was living in Saskatchewan for a couple of years, and before that, did a long stint in NYC). Anyway, I rolled a joint that me and Brandan smoked and then we all watched back-to-back Kenny Vs. Spenny episodes, including, THANK GOD, the "Who can blow the biggest fart?" episode. We all were rolling around dying of laughter. I noticed that me and Brandan are laugh twins. Maybe that's why Dave was attracted to me, because I remind him of Brandan. Hahaha. Boys are gay.

Today - Band practice was good. Except for one song that I flunked out on, my voice felt strong today. We made a setlist for the show on the 17th. I've got a song I need to write lyrics for, and another one that I wrote lyrics to about 4 hours before our last show, but I lost them and only remember half of them. Must work on that.

Here is today's picture from the Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar! It's of the Omega Centauri cluster in the constellation of Centaurus. It reminds me of a beautiful snowfall, which I thought was appropriate since today in Hamilton (and a lot of other places all over Southern Ontario) it snowed.
There are over ten million stars in the entire cluster (about two million picture in this photo).

Edit: Oh my god, hahahahaha! I'm going to leave that mistake in there because I find it so fucking hilarious that I did that. But then again, I often have a corny sense of humour.

musings, events, band stuff, lol, partying, girl friends, shows, daily, hamilton, astronomy, boy buds

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