working for the weekend but the weekend ain't work.

Oct 19, 2009 04:29

Another late night afterhours at the bar. That makes two nights in a row! Although tonight, instead of getting home at 6am, I got in at about 3:30am. It is such a fucking HOOT hanging out after the bar closes, with Lou and Darlene. Tonight we were joined by Terra, and Darlene's "adopted little brother" Jay. Aka the young kid (I think he's 19) with the green mohawk who gave me a bullet out of his bullet belt.

The Scenics played the bar tonight (NOT as good as I thought it would be...), with the opening band, Autistic Love, being this total "Bleach" era Nirvana rip-off ("homage") band full of 17 years olds (the singer was even wearing a Kurt Cobain sweater, and the bass player was the spitting image of Krist Noveselic). Pretty dead night, I hung outside most of the time smoking and drinking beer with regulars and Darlene and Glen because pretty much nobody came out on a Sunday night. It was to be expected, I suppose. The Scenics were nothing like I thought they'd be. I was expecting a much more garage-punk sound, and they ended up being a total old man art-rock snoozefest. Womp womp. But the afterwards of the night was much more fun. I love when we close up the bar with a few select people and hang out drinking beers and smoking right in the bar. I've always enjoyed small intimate groups of people much more than large crowds anyhow. Darlene is such a friggin' riot, she's my favourite co-worker ever. She one of those girls who I always end up practically peeing my pants with; I adore her to death. And boy was she wasted tonight, because she got off work early, so she was like herself, amplified by about a hundred, ha.

I know I wrote in here last night when I got home when I was all trashed, but I don't know if I mentioned the fact that a heavy bar chair ended up falling on top of my back at one point. Anyway, man I'm really feeling it today... my back is aching so bad; I'm practically crippled! Ha, well not really, but I'm so fucking sore from it.

Man. I can't even express how much I love the bar that I work at. I have had some of the most fun nights in recent memory at that place, and I've only been there for just under 6 months. That's a big accomplishment. It's all due to my awesome co-workers and my bosses. I couldn't ask for a better gang of people to work with. Every is so fucking wicked and hilarious in their own way, or just a total sweetheart. And it's so cool that if we want, we can just lock up after last call and party all fucking night into the wee hours of the morning if we want to.
This weekend has really been rough on me though, I won't lie. Especially staying out partying until 6am last night.

I came home and got to bed around 7:30 am, and then doesn't my mother call me at noon telling me that she is swinging by around 2. Goodbye, sleep! She came and picked me up and long story short, she takes care of this wealthy elderly woman ("E") whom she has become like family to in the past 4 years, and the woman has recently moved into a nursing home with dementia. So my mom has had to sell E's condo and is in the process of cleaning out all of her belongings for her, and wanted to take me by there to see if there was anything I'd like to have. I got a bunch of kitchen stuff, a toaster, a good vacuum, a vanity dresser, a wicker patio set, etc.

The condo was beautiful (and HUGE); my mom actually offered to give it to me and Dave (we would have been able to live there rent-free) but it's in Burlington and neither of us drives so there's no way we could do it, so we passed on the offer. But when I went to see the place today I was practically KICKING myself because the condo is so amazing and spacious and upscale and there is a huge laundry room right inside the unit, and a giant-sized master bedroom with an ensuite and a sunroom, etc... the building itself is immaculate... I mean, even the underground parking level had a little lounge area outside of the elevator! Sheezus. Ah well. We want to stick to Hamilton for now. When my mom and her husband decide to move to some exotic locale (or Arizona), we'll probably take over their newly renovated home in Beamsville (the house I grew up in from ages 12-18) but for now we're cool in our place. It's close to work, downtown Hamilton, our friends, the bars we hang out at... it just works. Burlington is too pish-posh for us, and there's nothing to fucking DO in Burlington, and since neither of us drive it would be a goddamn nightmare.


I'm sitting at my computer with the screendoor wide open (because I chain-smoke at the computer) and I'm fucking FREEZING.
I'm thinking of going to the Gord Lewis open stage night this Wednesday and belting out a few Teenage Head songs with the guys, just for kicks. Everyone tonight was telling me I should; in fact, last night, a few of the people I work with were like "how come YOU'RE not up there singing with Teenage Head" (it was the Frankie Venom tribute charity night). Hahahaha. Lou is booking Coyote Hotel in at the bar for sometime in late November/early December, and truth be told, I'm TOTALLY NERVOUS to perform in front of my co-workers! Their opinion really matters to me! Ha! Yikes. Lou and I were talking tonight, too, about having a big birthday bash at the bar near the end of December for my birthday, because I was telling Lou about how my last couple of birthdays have been kind of a bummer. So hopefully that pans out and I end up having a kick ass 26th birthday this year! :)

My dad called me tonight while I was at work! We were dead (especially at the beginning of the night) so I was able to chat with him for about 20 minutes or so. We haven't spoken since June, when I called him for Father's Day, so it was SO GOOD to talk to him! I miss my daddy. He was all excited that I'm singing now, and he was talking about coming out to the bar sometime since it's "such a big rock'n'roll deal" in Hamilton now, ahahaahaha. The main reason for his call is that he wants to take me, Dave, my brother and my "uncle" Pete out to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra at the ACC in Toronto on November 12th. Darlene offered to cover the door at the bar for me that night, so I was able to say YES! I'm so excited! It's going to be such a fun night, and I haven't been able to hang out with my dad since CHRISTMAS TIME, so YAY! We're all going to go out for dinner beforehand and then we're going to go to the concert and get ripped and enjoy some metal xmas tunes, haha!
I'm so glad he called tonight. It's weird, sometimes I think me and my dad have ESP when it comes to one another, because for example, I was LITERALLY going to call him tomorrow night (and remember, we haven't called one another since June) and of course, he calls me tonight, out of nowhere. That seems to happen to us quite a bit. I really want to work on building our relationship back up to where it once was. We've just grown apart so much in the past five years, but it always still seems comfortable whenever we see each other or get talking on the phone about music or something. I guess he IS my dad, after all, and I was once a major daddy's girl, so maybe that connection never really dissipates, but rather just gets buried under the burden of adulthood.
Nonetheless, I am majorly excited to hang out in three weeks. :)

Okay that's all for now! I'm cold and I'm going to go snuggle up to my handsome fellow.

band stuff, this ain't hollywood, family, shows, work, drunk, fun!, mr. l. partytimes

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