
Sep 11, 2009 10:57

I think I might take a break from working out today. At least yoga. I'm definitely feeling the efforts of the past two days. I'm not like, aching and dying or anything, but my muscles are tender. Maybe I'll do a bunch of push-ups and crunches later on, just to try and fit something in.

Last night at work we hosted a little film night thing, by this group that runs a b-movie cinema in Toronto (Trash Palace). The theme was "classroom films," so we saw films on the Heimlich maneuver, not getting mad, smiling, venereal disease (syphilis and gonorrhea!!!), "chickenomics" haha... it was pretty cool. They were on actual film and ran 16mm film reels and had a projection screen, and they set up a little concession stand with grilled cheese sandwiches, popcorn and organic free-trade chocolates. The back lounge of the bar was turned into a little theater lounge, I really liked it; it's just too bad that maybe 8 people came. I don't think they really advertised it enough here. I didn't see a Facebook event page or anything, and unfortunately, that seems to be the most effective advertising tool these days for events and whatnot. I spoke with the main organizer afterward and mentioned to him that I hope they come back and do it again here, and that I would help put the word out so that there might be a bigger group of people who attend. It would be a shame for them to not come back and do it again because of the poor attendance last night.

It was just neat because it was like a bigger version of the "Movie Night From Hell" nights that my friend Jeff and I host. We have the screening at my place because to put it bluntly, I have the biggest tv (plus I like having people over) and Jeff brings different gems from his endless collection of obscure cinema and tv wonders. We've watched "Ladies and Gentlemen: The Fabulous Stains," "She-Devils On Wheels," episodes of "Wonder Showzen," "TV Carnage," and weird little films like this one from the 60s on females taking Home-Ec in college (totally hilariously sexist). Actually, we're due for another one pretty soon, it's been awhile.


I had REALLY messed up dream last night.
In the dream, I was lying in bed with Dave, but I was awake. I saw him roll over to face away from me and noticed that he had an enormous gaping wound at the back/crown of his head, and his brains were hanging out. It was like someone had cut a hole in his head, jaggedly, and ripped back the skull fragments, and pulled on his brain a little bit so there were brain noodles slightly hanging out of the hole. I freaked out and had no idea what to do, so I called 911, and I told the lady that my boyfriend's brain was hanging out of the back of his head and then I said something about zombies, I think I said he was acting like a zombie. What I meant was that he was conscious and breathing, but he was really out of it and dopey and could hardly talk. The lady didn't catch my drift and she thought I was prank-calling them, and hung up on me!!! I was so horrified. And then I woke up.

To see a wound in your dream, is symbolic of grief, anger, and distress. You are looking to be healed. Consider the location, size and type of wound. Alternatively, the dream may be metaphor suggests that you are "wound up" or tense about some situation.

To dream of your brain, suggests that you are under severe intellectual stress. It may also symbolize your problem-solving abilities and that you need to put those abilities to use. Alternatively, it may imply that your ideas are not receiving enough attention and validation. You are concerned that your knowledge and teachings are not be transmitted clearly.

To see blood in your dream, represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments. If you see the word "blood" written in your dream, then it may refer to some situation in your life that is permanent and cannot be changed. If something else is written in blood, then it represents the energy you have put into a project. You have invested so much effort into something that you are not willing to give it up.

To dream that you are bleeding or losing blood, signifies that you are suffering from exhaustion or that you are feeling emotionally drained. It may also denote bitter confrontations between you and your friends. Your past actions has come back to haunt you. Women often dream of blood or of someone bleeding, shortly before or during their periods or while they are pregnant. If you dream that you are giving or donating blood, then it suggests that you are feeling physically drained due to stress.

To dream that others are bleeding, signifies an emotional cry for help.

To see your bed in your dream, represents your intimate self and discovery of your sexuality. If you are sleeping in your own bed, then it denotes security and restoration of your mind. You may be looking for domestic bliss, for peace or for some form of escape. If you are waking up in a different and/or unknown bed, then it represents the consequences of the decisions you have made. The dream may also be a pun on the completion of a project and putting it to bed. Consider the condition of the bed. If the bed is made, then it symbolizes security. If the bed is unmade, then it indicates that certain secrets will soon be exposed or revealed.

To dream that you are a zombie, denotes that you are physically and/or emotionally detached from people and situations that are currently surrounding you. You are out of touch. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are feeling dead inside and are simply going through the motions of daily living.

To dream that you are attacked by zombies, indicates that you are feeling overwhelmed by forces beyond your control. You are under tremendous stress in your waking life.

To see or hear a telephone in your dream, signifies a message from your unconscious or some sort of telepathic communication. You may be forced to confront issues which you have tried to avoid. Alternatively, the telephone represents your communication and relationship with others.

To dream that you do not want to answer the ringing telephone, indicates lack of communication. There is a situation or relationship that you are tying to keep at a distance.

To dream that you are having a telephone conversation with someone your know, signifies an issue that you need to confront with that person. This issue may have to do with letting go some part of yourself.

dream interpretation, mnfh!, dreams, working out, this ain't hollywood

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