so fresh and so clean!

Sep 10, 2009 10:14

Alright, so I just finished day number two of my yoga. Again, I totally feel great. Today I went extra new age and lit some candles ha ha... and now I'm drinking a nice hot pot of green tea to relax my insides. Same mellow state of mind as day one, same profuse, dripping-down-my-body sweating.

Yesterday I noticed that for the rest of the day I was in a pretty great mood. I really think that visualization/relaxation/detox technique I tried (where I laid in a starfish formation and visualized bad things floating up out of my body) really helped me a lot. I had virtually no negative thoughts for the rest of the day (okay, well I had a fun snark with Dave during America's Next Top Model, but it was in good fun). Amazing! Today I tried the same technique at the end of my yoga sets and this time, after I finished with the detoxing visualizations, I then tried imagining rainbow-coloured good energies being drawn into my body.

So, the funny thing is, well, I'm sure you all know me by now from reading my journal... Little Miss Stay Up All Night, terrible, erratic sleeping habits, etc. Anyway, so yesterday, I had a nap from about 2pm to 5:30pm, and then I actually went to bed with Dave last night! At midnight! And went right to sleep with no trouble! And I fucking woke up at 7:30 am! And I stayed up, and did my yoga after Dave left, and I'm going to go to bed at a normal time again tonight! Whoa! I can't even believe it. Dave was so excited that I came to bed with him and that I woke up with him. He's like "I love you being up with me in the morning! We get to eat breakfast together and spend a little time together before I go to work" aww. I liked it too. As much as I love my late night world, my erratic sleep schedule really does get in the way of my life far too much, and saps my energy. I'm tired of it (bahahahaha I kill me). I'd really like to try to start keeping a slightly more normal sleep schedule, for the days/night when I don't work at the bar. Obviously because of my job, this might not entirely work, but at least I can put in the effort to do it a few nights a week. I think it actually might help my relationship, too, as small of a change as it seems.

I can't believe what a good mood I've been in for only having started the yoga yesterday. And my body feels so fresh!
Yay. :)

relationship, yoga, therapy, exercise, me and dave

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