quasi-photo lousy porno.

Aug 11, 2009 15:13

Man I feel like absolutely garbage today. I got my ladytimes a couple days ago and I've had a constant headache, but today I'm just feeling especially drained and shitty. UGH.

Weekend recap for posterity:

Friday night Biff came over and we jammed a bit, tried to work on writing some new stuff but I've noticed that our writing styles differ quite a bit. Biff will come up with a bunch of riffs that are all over the place but he doesn't really know how to write a full song or arrange, while on the other hand, when I come up with a riff, I work on it until I have a full song. I like to work one song at a time, it makes me feel like I'm getting more done. So I think we'll have to work on making our writing styles more copacetic. Another big difference between us that I've noticed that kind of ties in with what I just said, is that I'm not a "jammer". I like when people bring songs to practice, that way we can work on making them better and I can write a vocal melody and we can discuss what else we'd like to add to the song, instrument-wise. I can't just jam, it's not my style (nor Dave's; he works the same way I do, which I like). Biff tends to be more of a jammer, which is why I think he works in riffs. He's said that he doesn't want to do things that way, so hopefully if I nudge him a bit, he'll start working more trying to bring some full songs. What I got him to do the other day was quickly record this two-part thing he wrote so that I could at least work on some vocal ideas.

This week has been kind of crappy for me as far as inspiration and writing goes. It's okay. I can have an off week, I guess. Doesn't mean I have to like it. My voice has been wonky too. Like, the other day it sounded terrible, yesterday it sounded awesome, today it sounds crappy again. Argh. I've been trying to search different sites for effective vocal exercises. It doesn't help that I've been feeling like hell for the past few days.

Anyway, we hung out and played until about midnight and nothing seemed to be going on that night so Dave and I just stayed in.

Saturday night Ryan, Cheri, Dylan came down from London and brought their friend Drew with them. We hung out at the apartment for awhile throwing parachute men off the balcony and drinking beers, then we headed out to Casbah Lounge to see Statues play (who were fucking awesome, by the way - wow! Loved them so much) and then walked over to Harvest Burger. Hung out, ate poutine, had more beers, ran into Johnny and Terra, spy video-ed Ryan as he pie-faced this drunk old asshole with a plate of poutine gravy and then ran, went back to our apartment and watched Dylan body slam Ryan on the floor which then led to an hour-long wrestling match between them that involved electric flyswatters, blow-torch lighters, and ended up with Dylan in his underwear and Ryan with his shirt of, sweating on the floor of the second bedroom. How homoerotic of them.

Sunday night Dave and I went to Casbah Lounge for the Burning Love/Vicious Cycle show. Met up with Biff, gooshed beers in his car, nice busy show... Vicious Cycle were pretty good, a little preachy for my tastes and they weren't super tight but HEY, it's punk rock... Burning Love were fucking UNBELIEVABLE, god that show was so rad, I rocked out the whole time, I swear I feed off the sweat and stink of dudes at shows, it's weird. Haha "your sweaty stench SUSTAINS ME, BOYS!"
Anyway, wicked show, glad we went.

Annnd then last night I hummed and hawed, trying to decide whether I felt like going out, but decided that I must, I must, I m must, so I got my dancing shoes on and headed to the lounge again for Rocket Reducers/Nobunny. Goose was dj-ing and man, he plays the best music ever. He should have his own dj night there, if he doesn't already. Rocket Reducers were good, people didn't seem very energetic for their set though... then again it WAS a Monday night. All that changed once Nobunny came on though. We weren't sure if he was gonna play or not... at 10:45, Brody still hadn't heard from any of the guys, and he has a reputation for bailing it seems, so Nat and I were all bummed thinking we weren't gonna get to dance. But then! The stars aligned, the band and the man all got there in one piece, and there was a fucking rock show, people!
I missed Nobunny last time he played Call the Office because he was on his way to the club sans drum set for some DUMB reason, Tony asked Dave if the band could use the drums from the jamspace but Dee Dee probably wouldn't have approved, and then the band turned around and headed back to Toronto to get laid, apparently. So, yeah. It was good to finally get to see this shit. And it was worth the wait! FUNNEST show I have been to in a long, long time! Aside from the hilarious, awesome antics/appearance of the whole band, everyone in the place was on their fucking feet, jumping, dancing, twirling, riding on each others' backs, lighting sparklers, clapping along, just plain getting rowdy. I like the Casbah lounge because I can stand on the bench and take photos of all the action and that's just what I did. SO FUN to photograph. I snapped, and danced, and snapped, and danced... the (ridiculously hot) bass player ran up and danced/played next to me on the bench for awhile with his little bunny tail hanging out of his denim cut-offs, there was glitter confetti everywhere, I saw a lot of half-naked sweaty man flesh that night... ahhhh. What a good night. I walked home with my electric blue eyeshadow melting off my face and my ears ringing, and a big retarded smile on my face.

TA-DA! Oh good, I finally got the motivation to post something substantial. It's not really deep or anything but hey, it's better than nothin'. I feel like I've been neglecting my journal a bit. I mean, I haven't REALLY... I update, but I feel like I update about anything but my inner thoughts lately. Then again... I mean, things are pretty alright, I don't have any deep, existential issues that I feel the need to purge right now, so I guess this is the extent of my life at the moment. Plus I've been busy with writing music/living/loving my fella to sit on the computer for extended periods of time (which is when I tend to write in here)... I use my phone for the net most of the time these days, and writing a big thoughtful post from my phone is really tedious, so fuck it.
I still always read all your journals though, even from my phone. :)

Here are a bunch of my favourite photos from the NOBUNNY show because pictures are always better than words:

these are in no order whatsoever.

friends, music, debauchery, band stuff, photographs, shows, weekends

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