cloud fine.

Jul 03, 2009 03:10

There is nothing quite like biting into a soft, juicy, ripe peach, is there? Mmm.

I feel very ethereal right now. I don't know how to put it any better than that.
There is a shiver in my bones, but it's telling me that things are alright.
There is a cool breeze surrounding my arms and legs, my cats are sound asleep, I've got static on the radio.
I feel content. Calm. Thoughtful.

It would feel really good to sink down into some cool blue water right now.


I've been learning a lot of practical guitar theory lately from Biff. It's funny, I've been playing for going on 13 years and literally my knowledge of any kind of theory never went beyond knowing how to play the main chords. Hahaha. That's kind of a metaphor for everything I do in life. Everything I do is more of a feeling. If I want to do something, I teach myself how. Always. Read a few things here and there, but mostly my approach to things is relying on a natural knack. If I can do something the first few times I try it, I keep at it casually and sort of just fall into it. If I can't do something, I don't usually push my luck. I had a knack for guitar, piano, etc. I have a knack for music, I just never got around to the theory/mathematical side of it all. I have a knack for photography and feeling my way around a camera. I have a knack for anything artistic, it seems. That kind of stuff sort of just flows out of me. Drawing, painting, sculpting.
It's funny because in the past couple of years I have become extremely interested in science and physics, which is stuff that has never come naturally to me. I struggled with those types of things in highschool. I had no interest. And now I'm wishing I had become an astrophysicist, ha ha.

Anyway. That last paragraph was totally unplanned.

There is a possible Kills-y style project in the works. Well, in the initial stages. Very early, a zygote. I have a need to sing. I have words crawling up out of my mouth that want me to shout, they want me to give them a proper burial. Singing is very primitive and I need to be primal before I burst.

"So much had happened since I last saw my father that I wasn't even the same person anymore. At night when I was supposed to be sleeping, I'd lie awake and wonder if he would like the new me. And I was new, wasn't I? Didn't every new thing you did become a part of you, one of your bricks? I was part Mexico now, and part new school, and part bicycle with no training wheels."
- from Augusten Burroughs' "A Wolf at the Table"

I'm reading this book right now and I just loved that passage. The whole book has been great so far, it's tugging me in a lot of untapped places. I'm about halfway through.

music, night owl, books, quotes, peace of mind

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