Rock'n'roll baby!

Jun 18, 2009 02:03

I went for my meeting with Lou at This Ain't Hollywood today annndddddddd I am now the newest member of their bar crew! Hurrah! I got hired on as their door girl. So that means I'll be sitting at a table by the door, checking IDs, takin' people's money, drinking and hangin' out, and filling in at the bar if they're short-staffed.
Killer. I am so excited.

This bar has Johnny Thunders pillows in the lounge, leopard print chaises, they play T Rex, Stooges, Forgotten Rebels (the bar is named after one of their songs), Ramones, etc. over the loudspeaker when bands aren't playing, like I mean, this bar is just so rad, there couldn't be a bar more PERFECTLY SUITED FOR ME to work at. I'm really happy to be a part of it.

My meeting with Lou was awesome. We hung out for two hours, we drank beers, he talked to me about the process they're going through with renovations they're still doing to the place, I got to know a couple of the regulars that hang out during the day, met one of their bartenders who was really nice, discussed the job and my pay and my hours, etc. (I apparently get complimentary drinks and a sweet bonus is that I'll never have to pay for shows there, ha), and just shot the shit about whatever. He is seriously one of my favourite people ever, he's so sweet it's unbelievable. I was getting some tips from him on where to apply for some day-time work (since this job is only like, 3-4 days a week, for 5 hours a night), and he was saying he'd keep his ears open and let me know if he hears about any good hiring.

So THAT'S rad. I start on Friday! I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I can't wait to meet new people in this city and have a job that I actually like, with such cool people as my co-workers.
Oh also, apparently there are two bartenders who may be leaving in the next couple of months, so if that's the case then I'll be moved into a bartender position, which would mean I could scoop up more hours, I'm guessing (because the bar is open during the day for all the neighbourhood locals) and TIPS.

There were some firetrucks out in front of my building earlier. We heard 'em coming up the street, and then Dave's like "they're parking in front of our building!" But then an ambulance came, and it got quiet, and I think it turned out to be a 911 call from inside the building or something, because there was no crazy fire-fighting action or anything. Still, totally freaked me out.

awesome, job, this ain't hollywood, photographs

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