BEST. EVER. EVEREVEREVEREVER. (this is obviously a post about Faith No More)

Jun 12, 2009 17:50


I feel like I just had marathon sex or something. My stomach is all tight from being so happy and excited. THAT WAS THE BEST TWO HOURS OF MY LIFE.


They started off with a cover of "Reunited" by Peaches & Herb ("Reunited and it feeeels so gooooood...")
then it went a little something like this:

The Real Thing (a little Mike Patton pigsqueal action somewhere in the middle)
From Out of Nowhere (at the end when he goes "And then you wave good-byeeeeeeee..." where usually it's another "goodbye!" right at the end, he goes "JAMILLA!" and then laughs)
Land of Sunshine (definitely in my Top 3 fave FNM songs... so happy they did this!)
- at this point the camera started showing some chicks with their tits out... do people still do this at concerts? -
- some of Mike Patton's terrible-on-purpose jokes -
Chinese Arithmetic (which he started off by singing Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" along with it... so funny. I was also really stoked that they're playing songs off of this album [Introduce Yourself]!!!)
Surprise! You're Dead! (FUCK yes.)
Last Cup of Sorrow
Midlife Crisis
- more boobs! -
Introduce Yourself
The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
Take This Bottle (buh. My least favourite song of the set)
Ashes to Ashes
Jizzlobber (well, most of it)
Cuckoo For Caca
Be Aggressive (Roddy sang the back-up cheerleader vocals, heehee, I love him)
Mark Bowen

and then the encore was
Stripsearch (oh baby. get naked.)
We Care A Lot!

I am so happy right now. I know I only watched it live on the web, but it feels like I was there and I am so fucking HAPPY.
So good. I'm totally serious, best two hours I have ever spent in front of a computer. Maybe the best two hours of all time.

Time to go get beery.

music, happiness, faith no more reunion!!!

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