(no subject)

Mar 02, 2009 03:11


This past weekend has been really, really great. I feel so awesome and happy right now. I am also listening to Donovan so I might be biased.

On Friday night, me, Dave, Ryan, Amy, Jordan, and Dylan all hung out in the jamspace and got wasted. There was some indie hiphop show going on downstairs that was WAY too busy for my liking. Dave and I had to fucking shove kids out of our way just to get in the fucking door. It was stupidriddicks. Anyway, we all just hung out in the jamspace and talked about Dylan's lady problems and played with the smoke machine, and then we decided that going to the Flying J for breakfast buffet was obviously the best possible course of action.
Once at the Flying J, we all stole hideous keychains and then sat down to a breakfast of rubbery eggs, street-meat-tasting sliced sausage, very yummy chocolate pudding and chai tea (aka in Lindsay-speak, "Gingerbread Man Tea"). Dylan was stuffing plates-full of eggs and bacon into his backpack because he is a broke, poor jobless straight-edge kid. It was fucking hilarious. It was hence-forth dubbed the "Breakfast Shake". Ew.

Saturday Dave and I laid around the house all day and then went to Holly and Ryan S's around 7/8 for an adventure in home-made (kind of) beer (aka "Mexican Cerveza!"), Pictionary and mystery shots. Pictionary was actually a shit-load of fun. Holly and Ryan are so great to hang out with.
Uh, back story: sometime like two weeks ago, Dave and I were at the corner store and saw this two-litre bottle of "beer" on the counter. It was basically just beer-coloured water or whatever, and then with it came this capsule of yeast (I think?) that you were supposed to drop into the "beer" liquid. Then, we had to keep it in the dark for a week so it could... ferment? I guess? and then put it in the fridge for a week. So Saturday night it was finally primed and ready for consumption, and consumed it was! It actually turned out to be pretty decent, I'm not lying. It wasn't the best beer I've ever tasted, but it was better, as Ryan S. put it, than Blue. Ha. Or was it Bud...? Nonetheless.
We were supposed to be going to Call the Office to see this band Nobunny, but once we got there, long story short, they had already left due to lack of drums. We were pissed but decided it wouldn't ruin our fun. So we went upstairs to the jamspace, Dave got on the drums, I hooked up a guitar and Ryan played bass, but actually just sang. We jammed out some shitty early 90s grunge tunes that were pretty hilarious (one of Ryan's memorable lyrics was "why didn't I go to Sunday school?"). Afterwards, we made an appearance at the Richmond Tavern, where there was a band playing who, I guess, had the potential to be OKAY... they were mostly playing Misfits covertunes, which we all sang along to... and then we decided to go to Seven aka "the gay bar".

Once the four of us got there it was dance party city. Even Dave was dancing, to my surprise! (That's when I realized just how drunk he was hahaha) We had a really fun time there, dancing and drinking and chatting with strangers. I saw my friends Lindsey and Crystal who I haven't seen for, well... the last time I saw Lindsey was the weekend I met Dave, ha... so it's been at least two years! That was rad.

Today was a typical Sunday for us... lying around the house. Yeah. Sundays we're basically a couple of write-offs. Every... Sunday. Without fail. But, I was feeling the party bug, and I knew I didn't have to work in the morning, so I decided I was going to go to the Sunday night retro party at Call the Office. I seriously haven't been in MONTHS.
I went by myself, which I always like doing because going on a solo adventure, in my opinion, is the best way to have a great fucking night. Once I got there, I saw Luddy, and Ryan (G.) was on his way upstairs for a smoke, but he said he'd meet me downstairs in a bit. I figured that meant I was on my own, because Ryan's the king of the secret deek, but surprisingly, as I was waiting at the back bar, just people-watching and drinking my vodka water, he walked over and we ended up getting pretty drunk together and having a really, really good talk about some important things. It's weird... sometimes I underestimate the relationship I have with certain people. I'm going to miss that shithead when I move. More than I realized... which is... really weird. Haha.

Anyway, Ryan was back and forth from me to Luddy and Dylan, so for the rest of the time I hung out with Tony, and we also had a really good time together, which I think I needed. I love those nights where I really reconnect with my friends. It makes me feel good for some reason.
It was another one of those nights where I was "on my game" or so they say... while Ryan and I were talking, our friend Barb came up to us and was talking about something and then she went on a schpiel about how I have "the most beautiful face in all of London" or some crap, which no matter how many times she says that, I'm not gonna lie, always makes me feel darn skippy... and then when Tony and I were hanging out, this Shannon girl (who was super cute, btw) came up to say something, and, obviously DRUNK, was like "fuck this girl is SO BEAUTIFUL, LOOK AT HER!!!" bla bla bla, and Tony's like "Trust me, I know this." Dear Diary, hello self-esteem boost at a point where I REALLY needed it (I've been feeling like a unattractive, bloated, dull-skinned, greasy-haired piece of shit lately :/). Hurray.

I also had a heart-to-heart with both Luddy and Nico at different points during the night. ARGH. Part of me is so hesitant to move because I am going to miss so many people here and the cute little connections we have, but... bloogh.

Look at me! Drunk as a skunk and typing like a scholar. Yes, we've already determined in many journal entries of yore that I have an unmatched talent for drunk typing/journal entries (well... there have been some entries that weren't so prize-worthy... but at least they had entertainment value!)...

I cut my hair tonight. I don't know why I don't go to a salon. I guess I just have this personality where I think I can do anything (ANYTHING!) myself. Including cutting my own hair. I've done it for years. Tonight I chopped about an inch and a half off the ends and cut in layers so that when I let my hair air-dry, my natural waves would be even more prominent. Straight hair all one layer gets really heavy and blah looking, so it had to be done.
Oh, and earlier this evening, I also decided to be crafty and do some tie-dying with bleach. I did a tank top and a cotton/spandex pencil skirt. Both black. My initial hope was that by tie-dying them with bleach, they would go all black/grey/white. Yeah... not so much? The tank top went bright red so it's now black with bright-red tie-dye and ACTUALLY looks really sweet. The skirt, not so much. The tie-dye pattern itself turned out really cool, but the colour went like a brownish-rust colour. I was a little bummed out by that, BUT: I think I'm just going to get some turquoise fabric dye and dye it so the whole thing is turquoise-hued.
WTF is with my obsession with all things neon and/or tie-dyed? haha.

Okay, I just realized that my innards are crying out for me to spend some time in the porcelain kingdom. You'll probably hear from me tomorrow, seeing as how I've got nothing better to do, yet. Peace.

Ps. my hands still stink like bleach.

drunk, friends, partying, weekends, adventures in unemployment

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