spoonfed crap

Feb 23, 2009 19:06

I'm so tired of everyone right now.
I'm tired of everyone's fucking attitudes. Why are people such douchebags?

Even people here who I thought were above the "cooler than thou" attitude - who I thought were more than that - are starting to get that way. And I just can't handle it. It makes me want to never leave my house.
Get over yourself. Get over who your friends are, and who you know, and what band you're in, and your scene and your tattoos and your catchphrases. It's enough.

Can't anyone just be real anymore?
Appreciate each other for who they are and not what they are?

My friend J always tells me that the thing he loves about me, is "you're such a cool person, but you don't even know or care that you're cool, which in turn makes you even cooler."
And I guess that's a pretty alright way to describe my whole persona. BECAUSE WHO CARES if you're "cool"?!?! I sure as FUCK don't.

I might know the "right" people, or like the "right" music, or go to the "right" parties, or whatever whatever drone drone blah, but I don't do anything I do in order to try and uphold some image. I don't give a flying FUCK. I am the first person to admit that I am an insane, reclusive, moody, misanthropic asshole who isn't being ironic about loving Phil Collins (or any of the other millions of dorky things I genuinely like). I don't think I'm "cool". And I HATE people who try SO HARD to impress their "cool" friends and everyone around them by doing the right things and liking the right bands and all that shit.

If people like me, I hope it's because of the person that I actually am, and not because of who I hang out with or what "scene" I am supposedly a part of, or any of that shit. I can usually tell who the people are that like me/want to be my friend for the wrong reasons, and those are the people I keep at a distance.
I want to be liked (or "cool," if you will) because I am someone who people want to be around for reasons that matter, like the fact that I am a great listener, or that I'm pretty funny sometimes, or that I have really in depth opinions (and not just regurgitated bullshit) on a lot of topics like music and art, or that I am usually up for all kinds of adventure. I don't like having friends just for the sake of having friends. I actually want to get to know people and who they are - it matters to me that I connect with people in a quality sort of way. But it's starting to feel like it's not all that important to that many people I know?

Ugh. I am just so so sick of the attitudes. It's repulsive.
Who you hang out with does not make you cool in my eyes.
What scene you're in does not make you cool in my eyes.
Your strategic tattoos don't make you cool in my eyes.
... none of that fucking matters, people.
Hang out with people you like, because you like them, not because of how it reflects on you.
Hang out with them because they are rad people whose company you actually enjoy, and because you have important things in common.
Get tattoos that you want, not because they're cool but because they mean something to you. Because it's something you want on your body, not because it's something you know will make other people see you a certain way.
Like the music you like because it moves you, because it inspires you and because you just love it, not because it will make you the king of your scene.
Fuck all this name-dropping and redundancy.

And hey, guess what? Yeah, I do want to become a tattoo artist.
I don't want to become a tattoo artist because it's the "hip thing to do".
I want to tattoo because it is something I have always had a secret passion for, and ever since I was about 6 years old the best way for me to escape reality is by putting a pencil to paper and letting my mind fucking go. The thought of having a piece of art that I drew being permanently put into somebody's body is just great.
I am excellent with my hands, I have a very steady hand and I pay amazing attention to detail when I draw. I am a very good shader and have a lot of ideas up in my brain.
And the idea that I can pack up my equipment and tattoo/work/make money anyfuckingwhere I choose to go in this world is pretty much the only thing I dream about at night. I'm inspired by people who tattoo because they love it and live to draw... not by people who use it as a status booster and who mock people who are just starting out.

I'm not worried about the attitude I will likely run into from any of my guy friends and other tattoo artists, for whatever reason - be it that I'm a girl, or that I'm new, or whatever.
Because fuck that. I've never been intimidated by the boys club. I'm not scared of catching flack.
I completely expect it, too, because I know a lot of people are assholes. And the sad thing is, part of the reason I didn't get started on this years ago was because I used to be scared of running into the snotty attitudes. But luckily, I am an entirely different person these days.
People's shitty attitudes are just covering up their own insecurities and I see right through that bullcrap, and frankly, I just don't have time for it in my life.
I love the friends I've got who are rooting for me and boosting me up and who are stoked on my plans - because hey, that's how real, awesome friends act - rather than the ones who shoot me down and get their feathers all in a ruffle because some stupid unspoken rule says I "can't" do something due to some kind of retarded pecking order. I don't follow those kinds of rules, sorry guys. Save it.

I'm never going to escape this shit - the attitudes, the scenes, the dicks.
Neither are you. Because it's everywhere, and it's inevitable. But that doesn't mean it's "put up or shut up".
Part of me can't wait until I'm in my 30s. It seems like all of my 30+ friends are so much more secure with who they are and happier with themselves, like they don't need this constant reassurance that they're still cool and they seem to lack the concern about their social status. I really admire that and I think that's why I tend to drift towards older people. I wanna be around people who are just out to enjoy life and not give a shit. Because to me, that... is fuckin' cool.

anger, friend drama, jerks, london, destroy!, tattoos

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