weekend warrior

Feb 09, 2009 00:22

I just finished watching the Grammy Awards for some strange reason. I never watch award shows. The whole thing seemed like kind of a downer, like all the performances and whatnot. That song that Alison Krauss (who, by the way, has a face like a tightly taut kneecap) and Robert Plant did was really good, though. It had a major Chris Isaak vibe, I thought. The guitar just sounded really wicked.
And of course M.I.A. was fucking awesome, even if she had to share the stage with a bunch of douchebags that don't even compare to her greatness.

Other high points that made it not so painful to watch, were Jack Black's adorable face and Dave "I'm so fucking hot, please do me now" Grohl drumming for Paul McCartney.

I'm looking at the clock, and it's 12:30, which means I have now been awake for 7 and a half hours today. Yep, got up at 5 pm. Which is a dead giveaway that I was absolutely hung over this morning. I went to Mia's house (which was in this FABULOUS building that looked like it would cost an arm and a leg, and her apartment was just so great. She has excellent decorating sense) last night and drank a bottle of wine, and smoked a bunch of weed with her and Jess. We watched Project Runway Canada for a bit and then went over to this house where there were like seven dudes just hanging out. I recognized a couple of them just from the whole CTO scene. I felt a bit awkward because I didn't really know anyone, but at the same time I really didn't care that much. Later on we all cabbed over to Call the Office and once we got there everyone kind of split up, so I just wandered around for a bit, talking to some friends here and there. It was Spero's birthday, so I bought him a beer, and then this weird girl who claims to "stalk me" on Facebook cornered me and blabbed my ear off about shit I can't even remember; I just remember feeling like I wished someone would save me from her because she was all up in my bubble, big time.

Eventually Mia found me again and said we were all going to go over to the Poacher's Arms which is this pub downtown I've been to once or twice. There was some singer/songwriter guy playing and about a million people I didn't know. We found a booth and hung out and drank doing, I don't know, whatever drunk young people do in a pub.
I left around 2 and wandered around downtown, drunk and alone, looking for a cab. A few random boys approached me to chat more than once, and normally I'd be very bitchy and snotty in those situations because, well, I don't feel the urge to talk to people I don't know, especially not drunken losers at 2 in the morning. But I guess I was in a good mood, because I had random conversations with four different dudes, and didn't get a bad vibe off any of them. Huh.

I felt so awkward for most of the night, though. Well, I shouldn't say "awkward" because I don't care enough about other people to ever really feel all that awkward. Sometimes I don't know how to act around people I am just sort-of friends with, that's all. I'm not really sure why. So I tend to be very quiet in situations like that - not in a shy way... more just like, observant and mildly interested? - and I think that's why a lot of people I'm acquainted with tend to describe me as a little mysterious. Haha, FOOLS! ALL OF THEM!
I dunno. I don't know how to relate to most people, so I kind of just fake it?

Anyway, my whole day today was spent lying on the couch, eating snacks because my body was trying to restore lost nutrients from all the alcohol I had for dinner last night, and being sweaty because the apartment was so hot today. Clearly, I am the sexiest chick on earth. Ugh. Actually, I feel exactly the opposite right now. Holy low self esteem day, Batman!
I don't really want to complain in here too much but man, I do not feel good about myself right now. I kind of just want to break every mirror in my house and pull some sheets over my head for about a week. I just feel bloated and hideous and puffy and wronggggg.

At least I had a decently fun weekend, I guess.
While I did have an alright time last night, I think it's cool that staying home and getting drunk with Dave (and Ryan, for a little bit), listening to music and then having the sex0rz - which was my Friday night - was a WAY funner night than going out on the town last night. It's a good thing I'm dating someone who I have fun with, or else I'd go crazy.

self conscious, friends, crazy me, partying

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