weekend warrior

Nov 23, 2008 19:32

This weekend has been very, very fun.

+ Crazy birthday shenanigans (for Amy's birthday... mine isn't for another month almost) on Friday night with Amy, Amanda, Dave, Ryan, Dee Dee, Chris, Matty, Tony etc.).

+ Hangouts with the boys last night (Dave, Jordy, Big Time Burlton and Ryan) and smoking way too much weed. Burlton is the funniest person on earth when he smokes pot, because he just recently started again, so he was really ridiculously stoned and saying the dumbest shit. Total comedy.
Jordy slept over and we hung out on the couch all day dorking out with our Blackberries and watching Rocky, and the three of us went to The Golden Griddle to pig out on delicious hangover breakfast buffet.

black metal breakfast

dave's pitcher of apple juice

Knife Party - GF'G!

+ My mom and Wayne came up with Wayne's nephew Justin to deliver my birthday present, which is this insane 42" flatscreen television. It's... big. Almost too big. I know that sounds snobby maybe (?) but I'm not one of those people who is like really into huge tvs and insane electronics and whatever. But I think once we attach it to the wall and get a shorter tv stand (for the cable box and DVD player) it will look nicer and I'll like it more. My mom also bought me 6 sessions with a personal trainer at my gym, which I am pretty pumped for, because the trainer will be able to tell me exactly what I should be doing to achieve the results I want (lose fat, tone my muscles but not too much, get a leaner-looking body). I can't wait!!! Anyway, so we all went out to The Keg for dinner and everything was delicious and I drank some yummy Caesars...mmmm awyeah!

I feel lazy because I didn't go to the gym today or yesterday. I went three times last week - Tuesday, Thursday and Friday! So proud of myself. I can't go tomorrow because I have a meeting with a client after I get home from work, so I can't go again until Tuesday and I'm kind of bummed about it. But that is SUCH A GOOD FEELING, to feel bummed that I can't go to the gym. What is UP with me lately? I have NEVER had this much ambition/motivation when it comes to exercise. Whew!

This weekend just made me really love my life. I've been feeling so great for the most part, and I'm pumped for things. My friends are awesome and my family is amazing and I'm finally getting into a workout routine and I'm feeling GREAT about it, Dave is still the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, Jen is coming to Canada in less than a month, my birthday is coming up, xmas is coming up which means seeing a lot of my family including my cousin and my favourite aunt, Knife Party is playing with Cancer Bats soon and that is going to be a really fun show... yeah, I'm just feeling good. Hopefully I'm not jinxing myself!

Life feels good right now.
There are always little things that I get weird about and worry about and doubt myself on, but for the most part, I'm all smiles.

friends, gym, fun!, partying, life, happiness

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