Oct 10, 2008 14:12
I doubt anyone pays any attention to my LJ, but I thought I should start using it again. I think the last time I posted was about 3 years ago.
My oldest is in school today and was real easy this morning, but lately the problem has been my youngest. She wants absolutely nothing to do with me. She doesn't want to give me a goodnight kiss or hug. She doesn't want to say good bye, she doesn't want to say hello. She does however want to be carried and spun and played with. This morning she threw a huge fit, because I wanted her to get ready for school instead of playing with the kitten. Eventually she got carried to the car without a jacket or shoes because she was putzing around too much.
Work is quite boring. I'm doing project work for the most part, but when I'm waiting on someone else I do whatever work comes my way. This mornin I had a user that wanted me to fix their printer. When I got there they had labels wrapped around several of the rollers. None in the fuser thank goodness, but I would still need to take apart the motor assembly to get to all of it. They seemed to think that I was putting them off and that I'd ignore their printer and it would sit and that they needed to get my manager involved before I had even picked it up from them. When all was said and done, I did let it sit on my desk for about 30 minutes so I could get my brain together so I wasn't too grouchy when I brought it back.
My wife's Grandpa Stand died and I've had to deal with all the craziness about helping in our house and trying to help them. I got a nice cut on my face from one of Linda's cousins that was wrestling around and decided he needed to be captain hook. He put a toy in his sleeve and tied a rubber band around the top so he looked like captain hook. I hope I don't get a scar running from my eye to my chin, that would suck.