- omg im such a procastinator. i have a midterm on wednesday and a
5 page paper due on thursday. i stayed home this WHOLE weekend to work
on it... and i have accomplished absolutley shit. argghhhh.
- im dying to go home now. everyones going home next weekend and i
am staying here. sniff sniff. like today was mel's bday thingy and i
bet everyone was there again except me. freakin a man. i want to be
there. why does berkeley have to be so far. fuck. why cant it just be
like an hour away from my civilization? damn california having to be so
damn big!
- i hate boys. talked to my pregnant friend today. gosh why are
boys such asses. im losing hope that there are decent boys in this
world. i either think that all the decent ones are taken or the decent
ones wont like me. talk about being insecure. i like to believe theres
none out there instead of admitting that theres none that i can
attract. (and no chris dimaano im not talking about u. so take out the
stick out of ur ass before u get all crazy me saying that ur not a
decent boy. u r in a different category then the rest of the boys in
the world)
- im sick, im on my rag, im unproductive, my rash in the side of my
mouth is back and wont go the fuck away, stupid berkeley crush still
hasnt called, i want to go home, sister updated me that parents fight
all the time when im gone due to financial shit, i am the financial
shit, i feel bad that im not contributing to my family but adding on to
their problems...
k i think i put off my homework long enough...