30 Day Music Meme: Day 13

Feb 08, 2014 12:38

Well, today's theme is a little hard because usually I'm confident enough at this point in my life to not pretend I don't like a song when I actually do. So this isn't quite a secret or guilty pleasure per se, but it may suprise some.

Day 13. A song that is a guilty pleasure:

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I'm not much into schmaltzy songs and I really cannot stand Jeanette Biedermann. (Okay, she seems nice enough as a person, but her music is too girly for my liking. Plus, ever since early 2012 there are... well, other issues. *cough*) Either way, I like this song. I like the lyrics, I like the duet as a whole... And as I mentioned before, I'm a sucker for that Irish accent. I gotta admit, I like Ronan Keating's voice in general. Too bad that a lot of his solo songs are still too Boyzone-like or too... I don't know... I don't like the modern dance-disco-pop type of sound in some of them. His normal pop ballads are fine by me.

By the way, there's even another version of the song without Ronan, I like quite a bit:

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Jörg Weisselberg... *thud* He's a hottie, isn't he? Great voice and one amazing guitar player. Too bad he picked the wrong band so it's unlikely I'll see him live again anytime soon. He's such a nice guy, too, by the way.
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