Mar 27, 2007 11:36 I don't know when the last time I wrote in this thing was. Maybe its been that I haven't really felt the need to write anything or I didn't feel like I had anything worth saying out loud. Life is good sometimes, I feel like I lead a pretty regular life now (compared to the partying of the past). I don't go out to clubs, I don't drink (or if I do its rarely), and no drugs. I guess its like a complete 180 from how I was previously or maybe its not. My life now is all about routine and I like it. Monday thru Friday work from 8ish/9ish to around 5ish/6ish go home to cook dinner, watch some TV and play around on the computer. Weekends are similar to that sometimes I work on Saturdays also 8ish to 2ish. Go home to eat (if I didn't already) play on the computer some and usually head to Mililani to spend the rest of the weekend with Lisa (if she isn't already with me). Life is simple and I don't mind. Oh one note of interest is that I am going to Las Vegas for my 30th Birthday in July (only my 2nd time going) so if anyone wants to join in the old person festivites feel free or has any pointers drop me a line too (not that anyone reads this).