Sep 11, 2006 01:31
Righty ho...
Has anyone ever tried getting baggy cords recently? Rhetorical question of course, there is noone out there.
the point is, it is damn near fucking impossible....well currently it is proving to be actually impossible and the criminal damage site consists of....well not very much to say the least.
Met Viccy and Kale on Fursingday on there way to see granny, so we went for a quick drink after work in the Taybank, and on friday night i went out drinking in Perf with them.
Bloody good night it was to. Met tonnes of new people, got hassled by a bunny boiler, spent too much money, had not one drink the same the entire evening (i will get back to that), had my coat complimented on occasions too numerous to mention, had a drink with gwen, got IDed (alas) talked to a bouncer in a toilet, and discussed the reason for Steps existence as well....i think it was Steps, not too sure.
OH and i got a yellow rose.
The ever changing drink thing....not a good idea, well it wasn't an idea i just like lots of different things.
Well as we know mixing your drinks isnt a good idea, indeed it is very bad idea, and boy did i ever mix my drinks, i had 17 drinks plus another 3 (absolute killers) that Viccy got me, well as i finished (what turned out to be the last drink) i went out for a fag with Gwen and Viccy, and starting getting all whoozey, so we finished up, sat down, at which point i proceeded to puke pure liquid. That was the first.
I went through to the toilet, gwen went home, i talked to a nice gentlemen while i begged my body to puke, i also talked to a bouncer. Who was very nice and asked if i needed help and how long had i known Viccy (hehe)
So Viccy took me home, thankfully she lives less than fifty yards from the bar. She made me a coffee, and my stomach refused to stop feeling pained.
I puked on her (very nice) sofa. Not so much on the liquid this time, and did you know it takes a very long time for curry to stop looking like curry?, however the liquid that was in was Purple (i had had some very cool looking drinks). That was the second time.
I managed to fumble the TV on, and a bucket was brought through to me.
I puked in the bucket, this one was very solid, reeked to high heaven, and was the promptly knocked all over my shoes and her carpet....after she had left me to fall asleep.
That was the third and final one.
i had one hours sleep...sleep is the wrong word, i just kinda blacked out for an hour.
i then had the pleasure of watching late night channel five, not the tit fest it might sound like.
It was a call in quiz show (like ITVs) but with girls in school oufits.
Then we watched
Jarheads. Which is a fucking amazing movie, very very very good. which prompted a good discussion about how to properly do remakes.
Underworld. Written by a 14yr old goth.
Underworld 2. Written by a rich 14yr old goth. The two movies are both shite, contain the approiate genre tripe....sorry Tropes. However as we all know, most movies that do this just end up as a massive cliche from beginning to end. Also it was like someone read nWoD, ignored the bits that couldn't properly be convied quickly enough, and then slapped some half-baked reason in its place.
Tranformer: Teh Moveh. Matt had good reason to cry at Optimus Primes death. Had i given enough of a crap, i would have to. Hell i cried at the Reunion in the Children of Dune series.
i then watched TV, came home, with my trenchcoat done up on a blazing summers day, cos my Top was covered in puke, and i am not exposing my arms to sunlight cos i all i had on me top was a Tee.
So some odd looks where given to me as i walked through perth high street.
I left my MD player, yellow rose, fags, lighter and a condom at there place.
I carry just in case someone else pulls and wants to go off behind a bush or somesuch.
Alas i will never get to use it.
I didn't get any sleep, cos i didnt have time after i got home cos i had work.
And they called me in an hour earlier and we then proceeded to have our second busiest day ever.
I came home and played WoW till 04:00 in the morning.
meaning out of 37 hours, i was awake for 36.
Thank god for Pro-Plus.
Drinks people should have.
Jaeger and Red Bull, you drop the shot glass into the red bull glass and down as one.
Meths. Sourz Blue, Corkys Cherry and some lemonade. Tastes like awesome, looks like awesome.
Whisky. It is cool.
Midori and Lemonade, tastes like parsley.
WKD blue and WKD Irn Bru. Works tooooooo well. Although one person didnt like it, but she was weird, she liked neither Irn Bru or WKD blue. Which is quite frankly a taste travesty on her part.
Oh yeah! i have started on Anansi Boys, and it is fucking awesome.
Ummm....i think that is it.
Oh and Wimpcha is awesome.
and WoW is amazing, the clouds work like normal clouds, they change shape and everything.
And you can just talk to people in the street! and they are friendly!