Aug 30, 2006 19:53
First problem encountered today.
How to get to perth. That was easily solved, father was going.
Secondly, i have more money than i need for my purchase, and that is shamanic over there.
This was solved by going into shamanic and getting a pair of trousers at the bargain basement price of FORTY FIVE FUCKING QUID! where the hell do criminal damage get off on doing this, giving us clothes that don't wear for stupid prices.
then i went off into Game and got WoW. Yes i have now officially joined there ranks.
The weekend was good, nothing was actually done. But it was relaxing.
Except yoda butting in on my Weed deal. Which has pissed me off no end. Not sure what he thought he was doing there. I told him to remind Aaron about it. But there was no mention of 'Yeah fine buy half of an uber scarce commodity'
If he had asked i would have said yes. He didnt though.
Over the weekend i got
nWoD core book, not too bad. It appears to be about curiosity. although the focus of the game will be shunted about according to the type of gaming you are playing i would think.
Serenity: Those left behind. DO NOT GET THIS COMIC! It is a prequel sequel! the story is shite, the bad guy is a horrendous cliche (as if he wasnt bad enough in he series) and the cast are drawn just well enough to go 'That is definetly Wash' but are also drawn in ridiculous poses. Wash never seems to stop grinning and has no upper lip.
I also got
'The Fall Of Lucifer' by Wendy Alec. Avoid this book. The woman needs less adjectives in her diet, to help slim down her book. So far the story is bollocks, but i read on cos i have fuck all else to do. The worrying thing is that it is a trilogy. And i can see myself reading all three just to see what happens.
i got 'Anansi Boys' by Neil Gaiman, havent read it yet but it is Neil Gaiman so it cant be THAT bad. and finally i got 'Never the Bride' by Paul Magrs or something, dunno what it is like either. But it has good reviews.
and i really mean it on the Serenity thing. Ew.
On the upside WoW should make my life a lil interesting. It sucks life from most people, but i have no life to suck, merely the time it would take up.
Oh and i had a moral quandry this afternoon that is bugging me.
There was a pigeon lying on the pavement, probably after being hit by a car.
It lay there, its body broken, and i didn't do the decent thing and put it out of its misery.
Lil dear, it was cooing out and looked into my eyes and i walked past it like a bastard.
For the pigeon.
I am sorry.
I can only hope you wouldn't have done the same in my position.
By the way, this happened down the street from shamanic, on the corner with that pizza place.
I even saw old people look at it and giggle.
Lil Dude.