Feb 07, 2005 20:16
I feel that I should not love, because love is dangerous. instead, I should just have sex with no emotions attached. Sex isn't as complicated as love... love hurts. I know because I have loved before... but sadly I haven't had sex before. i can be honest in this forum.. i have that ability, unlike my peers that often offer misleading information out of fear but i have no fear- i understand the true ways about the world and i know that i have naugtt to fear.. I am savig myself for someone I love (and that loves me back, I alredy love everyone ;) that makes things even more complicted, which is ok, I prefer to be passive and contemptated. I take philosophy classes, so yeah, this knowledge has mademe kinda an expert on life, religion, and people in general. I want to share my knowledge with everyone so I'm glad you've come here to get advice, that's why I post my journal on the internet, because I know people can benefit from the advice I have to give since I'm so wies. anyway, remember to love to have sex without love is to truly escape THE MACHINE! THE MACHINE everyone talks about themachine and the machine might be different for everyone but in reality the machine dominates everyone's lives by makeing you work for material things like money. money really is the root of all evil.People who work for money are mindless robots, that's why I've never had a job. sure, I've got a car, an apartment, and plenty of money to go along with it. I just didn't work for it like all you machines out there. i'm free from that mindlessness becuz i have a mind and i do use it for the common good. it's not my fault my family takes care of me, just don't let the machine consume you with jealousy and don't blame me for your problems, mindless zombies. break away from the mold and stop working for money. VOTE SOCIALIST!