Bugger it. It's done and I'm excited and wanting to share.
Title: Family Matters
Author: Dark Wyldchilde (wyldchilde37@yahoo.com)
Rating: NC-17 This is a sequel to Rebirth, and so will push limits. This is for adults ONLY.
Pairing: Buffy/Faith/Tara
Setting: With "Rebirth" I took the BTVS world in a whole new direction, this story continues in that direction.
Summary: Buffy has been turned and turned both her sister slayer Faith as well as Tara and made them both her immortal lovers, with their full consent. Turned by her sister Dawn and with the help of the soul-free Angelus Buffy is the new Master and has set up shop on the Hellmouth.
Spoilers: Bits and pieces from seasons 6&7 of Buffy and 4&5 of Angel.
Disclaimer: While this story stemmed from my objections to where they took Buffy the Vampire Slayer from season 6 on, but I can not deny the genius that first made such a wonderful show. This is in no way meant to challenge their rights, and is purely a non-profit work of fan fiction.
Wyld’s Notes: This is a DARK fic. While the rating gives an indication my main characters are NOT heroes, they will not only not be doing any good deeds they will be doing many evil ones.
Chapter 16.
Finally in the doorway of the women's health clinic dawn looked to her sister. "I don't think I've ever been so glad to no longer be human."
Buffy smiled at the near-serious way her sister was speaking, but their Back Knight escort, a girl named Lucy spoke first. "What? You can't appreciate their willingness to kill each other to show how they are the better people?"
The sister's smirked at the comment from the lean woman with the dark hair, and tanned skin. Buffy quickly became all business however and held up a hand, all three smelled human blood. Lots of it.
As that familiar smell reached their noses a familiar sound reached Buffy's ears and she held up a hand for silence. The other two fell immediately silent and followed behind Buffy as she led them into the clinic.
They barely paused at the first body, but all three vampires could tell the human had been killed quickly and brutally, the health provider cut down with shot bladed weapons.
Weapons that were riding on the belts of the robbed men surrounding, but not menacing, Willow Rosenberg, and what appeared to be Tara Maclay.
"I don't like it either Sweetie, but Darla's baby is they key. It will be able to free free my soul, Buffy's, Dawn's, and even Faith's. You could make the curse finally work and return our souls, or destroy our vampiric shells and free us, but the workers here, they wouldn't understand, they would try to get in the way. So they had to die."
Willow's response surprised all three women, even the one who only knew her by reputation. "I know... I just wish it could be some other way."
"Tara" smiled softly. "Open up Sweetie, let me in again."
The three people watching the events unfold were suddenly glad they didn't breathe so they wouldn't have to gasp as Willow relaxed, and even smiled as the Maclay apparition held up a hand to Willow's chest, which made the read heads eyes open. Eyes that were totally black.
Faith one of her children, a blonde named Amy were creeping through the halls of the women's health clinic. Their start had been a little rough because Amy's first instinct was to walk ahead of her sire in case there was trouble, but Faith finally managed to convince her that Faith's Fallen Slayer senses and reflexes made her the better person to lead the way.
That said Amy was in game face and using her yellow eyes to peel back the darkness looking for threats.
The threat they found wasn't hiding as Riley Finn was found standing over the recently slain Slayer Kennedy. In front of them both however was an unknown white man with brown hair in blue jeans an a clerical shirt who was dabbing the slain girl's blood on his fingers to then seemingly anoint Riley Finn's face.
"The First is well pleased with this offering, but you need to understand there's no going back now solider. The First Evil shall give you your vengeance, but in turn you will give everything you were, are and will ever be."
Riley's eyes were straight forward, almost in a parody of how he would stand at attention in his military days. "In life, death, and to the destruction of all the worlds."
The unknown priest smiled. "Amen!"
Sarah and Cameron were bracketing Tara as they walked the hallways, and while the witch seemed amused with their protectiveness at first as they found the slain health care providers she started to find their presence comforting.
Tara quickly realized that the number of bodies increased as they advanced into the clinic, and no matter how grim the sign she knew that pointed the way to their goal.
Before they could reach that goal however the familiar form of Dawn Summers appeared and was gesturing for them to follow. They did so and after Buffy gave Tara a kiss of greeting the master vampire pointed into the a room and mouthed the words "What's she doing?"
Tara wasn't sure if the "she" was her old lover Willow Rosenberg or the apparition that was currently wearing Tara's human face, but Willow was opening a portal and she mouthed as much back to Buffy.
Buffy stood up, puled out the radio the Black Knights had equipped her with, and spoke in a normal tone of voice. "Hauser, we have a portal opening. Would you please join us in the clinic?"
Faith had her own problems. She had given the order for Amy to shoot Riley in the head, but seemingly between the time the bullets left the gun, and when they would have impacted with the soldier's head the priest had moved in between and allowed the rounds to mangle his own skull.
It didn't seem to bother him terribly though as he shouted. "This is not the place, and she is not your target. Get to the extraction point Finn!"
Finn followed the order as he dived for some swinging doors.
Faith didn't take her eyes off the priest who was now bleeding black blood from the bullet impacts. "Stay on him Amy!"
The Black Knight followed the order just as readily as Riley and dived for the same doors as Faith delivered a drop kick to the priest's chest as he moved to block her.
While outside the Black Knights started to push their way towards the clinic. At first people simply swore, but let them by. Those who started to shove were hammered to the ground by undead strength.
When they started to fight back the guns were drawn, and the unarmed crowd broke and run under the sound of automatic fire.
Hauser fed a fresh clip into his sub-machine gun, and jacked a round into the chamber, but he could already tell the humans had all fled. "The Mistresses need us! Kill anything living, rip apart anything else that's moving!"
He then charged the doors and drove a booted foot into the handle. While Hauser had already been more then capable of kicking in a door his already pumping blood had smile smiling at the way his new vampiric strength sent the door off the frame entirely as he charged through.
Vampiric senses smelled all the blood, but also told him it had grow cold and started to clot. Pushing forward at the sound of gunfire they were about to breech another room when a missile in black leather came hurtling through the door at them.
The missile was followed by a man in blue jeans, black shirt, and clerical collar who's face looked like he had already been shot. Though instead of the deep red blood such a mortal injury would normally cause the priest was bleeding some viscous black substance.
Hauser didn't even need to give the order, the eight guns rose as one and a leaden storm tore through the human shape, cause more black blood to fly as he jerked and danced in the repeated impacts.
They soon had to reload and much to their shock the man was not only able to run with no seeming difficulty, but seemed to be growling in rage more then any pain or suffering. His rage seemed to come from the fact he was running from the fight through the doors that were still swinging with someone's earlier passage.
Looking down at the leather clad shape Hauser recognized Mistress Faith and knelt down to examine her. "Are you all right Ma'am?"
When Faith looked up it was through her vampiric yellow eyes. "I'm fine! We need to get to my girls!"
Hauser could tell Mistress Faith was not fine, but she didn't pay attention to her injuries as she leapt to her feet and charged through the swinging doors. The Black Knights were right behind her and took in the room at the same time as she did.
The first sight was a large portal flickering with a deep crimson light showing some flashes of a hellish vista. The second sight was, Mistress Buffy, Mistress Tara and Mistress Dawn with the four woman escort hard pressed by dagger wielding men in robes.
There were robed bodies piled that told Hauser the Lady Knights had put their guns to good use, but the unending tide of dagger wielding figures were coming at them too quickly for them to reload, and the women were now fighting had to hand alongside Mistress' Buffy and Dawn while Mistress Tara was using her spells to keep pushing the wave back so it wouldn't overwhelm them.
His attention was drawn back to the portal as a woman he identified as Willow Rosenberg shrieked. "Where's Kennedy?"
A man Hauser identified as Riley Finn shouted. "She didn't make it. Go Willow!, Go, Go!" Riley was attempting to just that as he charged toward the portal the Priest had already vanished through.
Hauser's stutter gun tried to stop him. He remembered the warning about the body armor, but couldn't get a head shot under the conditions so he aimed for the mans legs, but even as he cried out and went down in a spray of human blood the elder hunter Holtz swept in and used the arm that wasn't holding a blanket wrapped bundle to drag Riley with him through the portal.
Willow Rosenberg was looking at the world through black eyes now, and they narrowed in rage as they took in the way Mistress' were working in unison and gaining ground against the waves of minions she was sending against them. Though the fact they only wielded steel daggers stood out even in the heat of battle.
Rosenberg first noticed his attention as she saw his focused gaze, and then his intention as he lifted his gun towards her. He however noticed her seeming lack of concern and turned his aim to the lights above her.
The rattle of gunfire turned to the sound of shattering glass and a small stream of sparks as the fixture was destroyed by his onslaught.
She growled in a rage all her own, but opted to leap through her own portal, causing it to close behind her.
He turned and while the wave was splitting to face the newly arrived Knights with the New Scoobies escape their seemingly infinite numbers became more finite, and when the hooded figured face the fully loaded weapons of Hauser and his men their numbers became moot.
The silence was sudden and deafening, and only broken when Mistress Buffy took a step forward to look at where the portal had been.
There was a delivery table, covered with ashes.
The Family had reconvened in the sub-basement. Everyone had bathed, fed, and was in clean clothes. They had been offered separate quarters, but they universally agreed to sleep in a large common area that Wolfram and Heart comfortably appointed.
Buffy was staring off into nothing, and both Faith and Tara seemed to realize her mind was unsettled and were trying to comfort her. Primarily with physical displays like how Faith was wrapped around her from behind while Tara was hugging her from the front.
When Faith kissed Buffy's shoulder the Master Vampire spared her a smile. "It's ok. I... I just have never lost before."
The entire room seemed to look up at that and Buffy sighed. "We lost, it sucks, it stings to say it, but we lost two of ours while the only casualty the New Scoobies suffered was self inflicted by Riley in some sort of blood sacrifice to this First. Our lair, all our stuff is burned to the ground, and the New Scoobies got away clean. Even Xander has vanished. We lost, I've been doing this almost seven years now, and while I've suffered set backs I never all out LOST before."
Lilah had entered the room in time to hear Buffy speech. "Don't be so hard on yourself Buffy. You faced the First, and survived, that IS a victory."
Buffy smirked. "Doesn't feel like one though. Don't worry Lilah, I'm not giving up by a long shot. I'm just processing, taking it in. I WANT it to hurt, I want it to sting. We could have killed Willow the night I turned Tara, but we wanted to play. Play time is over, the Scoobies WILL resurface, and I want each and every member of my Family already tasting their blood, hungry for it, and for the one thing sweeter then their blood... revenge."
Her Family seemed to be responding to Buffy's speech and were captivated as they watched her. Faith however was used to being captivated by Buffy and was able to comment. "Actually I'm content to taste revenge. I saw them bleed."
Buffy twisted over her shoulder and kissed Faith, and then looked forward at Lilah. The lawyer knew that meant she was supposed to speak. "The First might not have substance, but it has plenty of raw power. Power that it can invest in key individuals like that Priest you described, and in the way you saw it investing Miss Rosenberg."
Buffy nodded. "Do we know what this investing does other then make them basically invincible?" At Lilah's reluctant head shake Buffy actually grinned. "Do we know anything of any importance as of yet?"
At Lilah's second reluctant head shake Buffy developed a full smile, and Lilah looked on in confusion. "It's ok Lilah, really. I hate loosing, I mean I REALLY hate loosing, and I don't plan on doing it again. I'm hungry, even when Dawn turned me I was more confident, and comfortable, I'm HUNGRY in a way I've never been... I feel... Lilah I feel better then I have in a long time. I've felt the sting of defeat and it's made me ache for victory, and I am GOING to claim it!"
The entire room which had been growling and grumbling was looking at Buffy and smiling.