Title:Running With the Devil
Author: Dark Wyldchilde (wyldchilde37@yahoo.com)
Rating: Let's err on the side of caution and go NC-17.
Setting: My Lock AU, starting with "Life on the Farm". While it started more traditional fan fic, this is the eighth in the series and most wonderfully has developed into it's own world, that just happens to be populated by characters from other series.
Summary: The soldiers of the Lock are coming to the understanding that the reason there isn't a plural for the word apocalypse is because it would devalue the concept, and the doomsdays that they have been facing have simply been warming them up.
Spoilers: While this IS it's own universe now I will freely draw upon Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, NCIS, the Executioner/Stonyman Farm and now Supernatural.
Disclaimers: This is a not for profit work of fanfic and is in no way a challenge to existing copyrights.
Wyld's Notes: I tried not to write this fic. Literally, I thought having three cannons in the same universe was pushing it (I count Buffy and Angel as one for obvious reasons), but when I tried to NOT write this my muse overruled me, and since people have been finding the other things she's encouraged me to write worth their time I figured I would share this as well.
Chapter 28.
"So he kissed you?" Was Lex's incredulous reply into her earpiece as she kept getting ready for her date. "How many bones did you break?"
"None." Was Faith's reply, which was quickly followed by. "And it wasn't just him, for half a second I kissed him back, but then I came to my senses, and shoved him away."
Lex frowned. "Are you going to expect me to keep this from Tara?"
"I told her before I told you."
Looking in the mirror to check her hair and make up Lex nodded. "And she forgave you?"
The Slayer's response seemed a little offended. "Said there was nothing to forgive. She said I had a choice, and I chose her, as she knew I would. I like Dean. I know it, she knows it, Dean knows it, and now so do you."
"I already knew it." Was Lex's interruption.
"Either way Tara said that you can like someone, you can have feelings for someone, being in a monogamous relationship doesn't mean that part of you dies. It means that that one person you devoted yourself to has the biggest and best part of it."
"You have the best girlfriend. I think you two could actually get ME to settle down."
That had Faith's tone shifting to amused. "The two of us huh?"
"Yeah." Lex replied. "It would take both, but think of it Faith, you spooning me, me spooning Tara... it would be beautiful."
"Of course we'd all be naked." Was Faith's grinned reply.
"Of course." Was Lex's brightly toned response.
"Sorry Lex, I know what a great girlfriend I got, and I'm not sharing. You're going to have to settle for the English thief chick. You ready for her?"
Lex stood up straight and adjusted her bra. "Yep!"
"You know where to find her?"
Again Lex replied. "Yep! I'm actually getting ready in her room."
That had Faith surprised. "Okay... be careful... have fun.. and know you have a blank check to buy the Colt off of her."
"Yep." Was Lex's sad reply.
It was a tone Faith picked up on right away. "Something else?"
Lex sighed. "I can handle it, and it would take too long to get into here. I'll put it in my report."
She didn't like it, but Faith believed in believing in her people. "Okay Lex. I don't like you having to operate without back up, but I agree she'd probably spot it. Call soon."
The trick to securing a site, whether it be a top secret demon hunting facility or just a high-end hotel room was that you couldn't make it impregnable. The idea was more to delay your attackers as you formulated a response. In the case of the aforementioned facility that response was most often to wipe out the attackers, but in a hotel room one's options were more likely keyed to escape.
That Lex was already inside those defenses gave her an advantage, but one she knew she would have to capitalize on early. So as Bella Talbot opened the door into the darkened hotel room and turned to lock it behind her Lex sprung into action.
Taking Bella from behind Lex shoved her firmly, but not forcefully against the door so that Bella was shocked, and surprised enough for Lex to quickly find and disarm her of a automatic pistol, ejecting the clip and working the slide to eject the round in the chamber before tossing the pistol onto one of the two beds in the room.
Being a thief demanded one be fast on their feet and Bella had already recovered her wits. "Lex? While I would normally love to have you pouncing on me in a darkened room I have to ask what you are doing here?"
Lex smiled, turning on the light to help her keep an eye on whatever Bella may try. "While I'm here to discuss business I respect you enough not to trust you."
Amused by the notion Bella had a smile as she put her hands on her hips. "Care to explain that?"
Stepping into the Englishwoman's person space Lex had a playful grin. "You are a very, skilled, very capable, very dangerous woman, and I respect your abilities too much to trust you."
Bella licked her lips. "Thanks, I think." Then her voice dropped to a whisper. "But I thought you were here to discuss business?"
Knowing that part of the art of seduction was showing your own arousal Lex allowed her eyes to focus on what she knew was a deliberate licking of lips on Bella's part.
It was actually one of Lex's seduction tricks, she didn't "fake" arousal like others might, but rather she allowed herself to get aroused while keeping a part of her separate and in control. Like how she allowed herself to focus on Bella's lips rather then reply right away.
She would have, she could have, but the lingering moment combined with the flush rising to Lex's cheeks would do more to let Bella think she had the upper hand.
Still, another key to seduction was not moving too quickly, so she stepped back several paces as she finally spoke. "I am. I know you came into possession of Samuel Colt's Colt and I want to buy it."
Talbot sized Lex up with her eyes as the witch leaned back against the wall. "That's a rather high end item."
Lex shrugged where she lounged back. "I'm a high end kind of gal."
Bella crossed her arms over her chest. "That's certainly true, but you have underwent some changes as of late have you not?"
"How so?" Was Lex's nonchalant response.
A look of distaste crossed Bella's face. "You've come down with a nasty case of altruism. Really Darling, I would have expected you of all people to know to use protection."
While Lex was able to laugh at Bella's words she wasn't given time to respond. "So how are Sam and Dean?"
That Lex didn't flinch at the accusation caused Bella to blink first as Lex spoke. "Still living hand to mouth via credit card schemes. I never said why I wanted the Colt Bella. I want it, I've got money, you like money."
Seeming to realize that she had lost footing when she didn't make Lex react to the accusation of her new found allegiance with the good guys Bella tried to regain ground by stepping close to Lex, putting her hand on the dark magician's collar. "Is that all you have for me?"
In response Lex's hands came to rest on Bella's hips as she replied in a soft voice.
"I'll admit I had hoped. I DO remember how skilled a lover you are," Bella got a wicked grin at the admission. "But I had hoped it more of a celebration of a successful business deal."
Bella stepped even closer, pushing the length of her body against Lex. "But you were ready to seduce me weren't you Lex? I know you too, and I know that even if you've become sloppy enough to fight for the ignorant masses you're still more then ready to use your body to get what you want... at least with a woman of course."
It was going to happen, and Lex was okay with that. Bella was a very beautiful woman, and she was right, while Lex preferred her lovers to be like those at the Lock where it was more a matter of shared pleasure she had grown up where her body was a weapon in her arsenal, and even casual encounters had levels of intrigue.
Before she could voice her consent Bella spoke again, her voice almost dreamy. "It's been forever since I've been with a woman. I don't want to inflate your ego, but after you they all seem to pale."
"They tend to." Was all Lex said before she brought her mouth to Bella's.