Title:Running With the Devil
Author: Dark Wyldchilde (wyldchilde37@yahoo.com)
Rating: Let's err on the side of caution and go NC-17.
Setting: My Lock AU, starting with "Life on the Farm". While it started more traditional fan fic, this is the eighth in the series and most wonderfully has developed into it's own world, that just happens to be populated by characters from other series.
Summary: The soldiers of the Lock are coming to the understanding that the reason there isn't a plural for the word apocalypse is because it would devalue the concept, and the doomsdays that they have been facing have simply been warming them up.
Spoilers: While this IS it's own universe now I will freely draw upon Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, NCIS, the Executioner/Stonyman Farm and now Supernatural.
Disclaimers: This is a not for profit work of fanfic and is in no way a challenge to existing copyrights.
Wyld's Notes: I tried not to write this fic. Literally, I thought having three cannons in the same universe was pushing it (I count Buffy and Angel as one for obvious reasons), but when I tried to NOT write this my muse overruled me, and since people have been finding the other things she's encouraged me to write worth their time I figured I would share this as well.
Chapter 16.
As she joined the brothers for breakfast in the small cafe attached to the motel she matched Dean's smirk with her own as the man spoke. "Sleep well?"
"Like a Baby." She then circled her face with her right index finger as she sat down in the booth by Sam and across from Dean. "See this face Dean? This is not my embarrassed face. I'm a woman in love with another woman. The kind of love that is OFTEN expressed in physical ways, I call her every night I can, and I had been in the field tracking down you two for too damn long."
Dean's smile seemed to say he was fully supportive of their love, if perhaps for selfish reasons.
Sam however was busy again proving himself the brains of the operation as he put last nights events together. His jaw was open in shock as he looked to his brother. "You listened?"
That just made Dean's face grow serious as he pointed at his brother. "You would have too!"
All Faith did was shrug. She had never been big on shame, and she had Tara laughing about it before they hung up. The boys were going to need SOME acclimation before they got to the Lock, otherwise Dean might break his neck trying to climb to the roof when the women of the Lock had one of their "Naked Lady Parties" up there.
So while she wasn't mad Dean still seemed to feel the need to change the subject. "So it's February 27th 2008, and I'm thinking Morton House."
Faith was clueless and her expression showed it. "Morton House?"
That had Dean scowling. "Morton House! The leap year ghost! The most haunted place in America?"
She still wasn't following. "I thought that was Cold Oak South Dakota?"
Sam tried to explain. "No, that was the most haunted town. This is said to be the most haunted house."
Again Faith wasn't following. "Who the Hell picks?"
Dean interrupted. "No idea, but how can you not know Morton House? I mean isn't a slayer just a hunter with super powers?"
Sighing at Dean, Faith explained. "Guys, I don't normally get out of bed for less then a double digit body count. I take on cases that cross continents, and risk hundreds of lives. Haunted houses are like lakes with 'No Swimming' signs. Sure you feel bad for those who are stupid enough to ignore the signs, but the predatory things take priority."
Dean leaned forward. "Okay, that's fair, but this thing HAS made people disappear, it IS less then a day away, the ghost only appears every four years on February 29th, and it'll be fun. It will be like the hunter Grand Canyon."
Sam didn't agree. "Faith's right Dean we have BIGGER concerns."
His brother didn't agree. "What? We've got a good six months! Faith's already got her brain trust on it, and I don't think you'll find something in those two extra days this will cost us. Come on! It'll be fun!"
While Sam tried to look to Faith for support she was starting to waver. "I don't normally hunt ghosts. It might be fun."
Dean grinned as he nodded. "It's settled then, two against one."
It appeared Sam was used to loosing those arguments as he only had a small scowl as he settled back in their booth and they all ordered breakfast...though there was a small bump when Dean had to have it explained to him that while he MIGHT be able to eat as much as Faith could he didn't have the metabolism to burn it, so it would just make him sick.
A quick call to Oracle had her using her mainframes to gather intel for them on the site. It also had Witch Woman saying that Slayer had the time as the sites at Rivergrove and Monument were still being processed for intel, and with Sam and Dean located they were looking for new avenues of investigation on the Lucifer front, and no other concerns had made themselves apparent.
It had both Winchesters realizing Slayer really was usually working on a more global scale. Not because of any prima donna tendencies, but rather just like Sam and Dean were operating behind the scenes to save lives she was operating behind the scenes to save cities, states, continents, and if this Lucifer thing panned out like it was looking, the whole damn world.
Still, it just had Dean that much more determined to show her a good time with a little recreational ghost hunt.
The first problem turned up when the most likely ghost, the original owner Freeman Daggett had been cremated. So while he COULD still be the ghost haunting the place it meant that something else was holding his spirit to there, and the key to any ghost hunt was finding whatever tied to spirit to the living world and destroying it.
Sometimes that was literal like salting and burning a ghost's mortal remains, other times it might be like delivering a message to a loved one to "destroy" the need by fulfilling it.
It wasn't that the Lock didn't understand ghosts, and their local units were often set to resolving hauntings, but it was like Faith had said, a matter of scale.
With the dates so close they drove in shifts to make sure they got there with time to prepare, but it worked and they were able to be getting out of the Impala at Morton House at 11:00pm on February 28th, one hour before Morton House would go hot at midnight, the start of February 29th.
So Faith was equipped as they arrived on site, perhaps a little too equipped as Dean smirked at her salt loaded SPAS 15.
"That won't be necessary." Was said as Dean shook his head.
Faith looked down at the SPAS and then back up at Dean as he stepped up close, his smile dropping and his voice getting sincere. "Look, I get it, when you have to fight we're talking hordes of monsters. I'm guessing situations like the sheriff's station are more rule then exception."
She nodded, and he nodded along with her. "This, one ghost, MAYBE two. Carry that cold iron collapsible baton of yours, and let Sammy and me do the heavy lifting. Relax."
That last word was said with a smile, and Faith couldn't help but smile back. "Relax? In the most haunted house in America?"
His smile was reassuring, and despite herself Faith nodded and put the SPAS back in it's aluminum weapons case.
Sam joined them and Dean stepped into the lead. "Everyone ready?" Not waiting for an answer he stepped in. "All right!"
The other two shared a head shake as they followed Dean into the house.
As soon as they entered however Slayer's reflexes kicked in and she held up a closed fist for everyone to stop.
Everyone did, but Dean looked at her. "What's wrong Faith?"
She paused, seeing he was looking at her hand sign, knowing what it meant, and then back at her. That got a small blush, but both brothers shared a look that said it wasn't going to hurt Faith to have a case where double and triple digits of innocent lives weren't on the line.
Dropping her hand Faith coughed. "We're not the only one's here. There's a definite supernatural presence, but it's dormant. There is however five people. One group of two and one of three, and they have a good supply of electronics." She accented her words pointing in the directions as she named the groups of people, pointing up for the group of three to indicate the second floor. "They're all amped up."
Both brothers were stunned, but Dean was the one to voice it. "You can really pick all that up?" At her nod he grinned. "Okay, you might be worth having around after all."
Faith knew she could try to push back, or flex some slayer muscle, but it was all part of that FNG phenomenon. She knew it would have existed way back when prehistoric hunters added new hunters to their bands, and it continued all along, right up to today.
Much like what Faith had told Sam about how she would never give an order she wouldn't be willing to carry out herself you couldn't TRULY join a unit until you proved you were willing to stand with them, face everything they would face, and do what they would have to do.
Sure people with rank could stomp in and start giving orders, but they would always be outsiders. Faith was determined to "earn her spurs" with the Winchester brothers, and that would take dealing with crap, both the humor, and just getting her hands dirty right along side them.
It also meant recognizing Dean as their team leader, and as he gave their next order she followed it right along with Sam.
"Okay, probably just some group of idiots looking to see some ghosts. Let's go chase em off."
Of course Faith also knew she was helping to build the bonds as a team as she leaned over and stage whispered to Sam. "Like we're ones to talk."
Sam chuckled, stage whispering back. "Yes, but we're idiots who know what we're doing."