Title: Downtime
Author: Dark Wyldchilde (wyldchilde37@yahoo.com)
Rating: Still me, NC-17.
Pairing: Faith/Tara, Ziva/Abby
Setting: My Lock series. Starting with "Life on the Farm" and progressing through "Friend of My Friend."
Summary: Gibbs NCIS team is no longer with NCIS, and has signed on to hunt monsters with the men and women of the Lock. This is their transition.
Spoilers: I've gotten so far from the established it is a source of pride. That said I won't fear touching on Buffy, Angel, Stonyman Farm/Executioner, or NCIS cannon.
Disclaimers:This is fanfic, and as such it will draw upon copyrighted material. It is a non-profit work done for the enjoyment of the author and his readers, and is no challenge to any legal properties.
Wyld's Notes: Me being me there will probably be both sex and violence at some point, but with the rich mix of my Lock AU and the NCIS people I decided to do a story where I can explore that a bit before getting back to the action.
It's almost a fluff piece, but will allow me to explore character elements so that when I get to the sixth fic the characters are able to get into the action without all these elements that are demanding my attention.
Continuing thanks to Lisa Countryman. She's like my muses' personal trainer at this point, and continuing thanks to my beta reader laura jones.
Chapter 14.
Apollo was fanning his face as he climbed out of the black SUV and handed the keys to one of the mechanics. "I don't know if you're having any disciplinary problems at the moment, but if you are have them detail the vehicle and it will break them in no time."
As the mechanic took his keys the smell that had the pilot fanning his face had the mechanic fanning his own. The smell was coming from inside the vehicle, from the four people inside the vehicle, and it got worse as they climbed out.
The four people were Scooby Squad, back from a mission to South America. It was Angel's first field mission as a mortal, and while it had been heavier then most people's first field mission Scooby Squad had been scrambled when one of their slayers in Brazil had reported three villages had been emptied of their inhabitants, without any traces of gunfire.
The news reports were labeling it death squads, and this time they weren't entirely wrong. A land developer had turned to demon summoning to clear out the lands rightful owners so he could grab up the properties for pennies on the dollar.
While the Lock's people all came out ok, Scooby Squad had been tagged a group of "gringo assassins" by the land owner and his corrupt police allies, and had narrowly escaped. So narrowly that they hadn't had a chance to shower the remains of the summoned demons away, and since the private jet didn't have shower facilities they had been fermenting ever since.
The team seemed to scowl in unison at Apollo, but didn't have the energy to comment as they walked past the two men and into the main area of the Lock.
They went straight to the elevator and it let them out at the control room where they started to head towards their quarters to clean up.
"Wait!" A voice called after them. "Hold up!" The voice was revealed to be Tara as she ran into and came out of her office with four packets of herbs. The blonde was trying not to show her reaction to the stench, but they could see her eyes were starting to tear. "I made these when I heard what happened. It will help clear that up."
They took the herbs and tried to not react to the way that Tara quickly retreated. It seemed doubly worse for the slayers and their enhanced sense of smell, but that just made it four times as worse for Buffy, and she was the first to make a beeline for the quarters she shared with Angel, and it's bathtub.
Tara's herbs did the trick and Buffy was sighing happily as she dried her hair and listened to her best friend Willow's story, as Angel lingered in the shower, Buffy seeming to need to repeat the facts to make sure she had them straight, and trying not to giggle as her mind said the facts would probably be the only straight thing about the story.
"So while I'm chopping my way through rain forest hunting demon death squads you're here having a 'Naked Lady Party' on the roof?" Willow's smile was so large Buffy thought it had to be painful. "And at this party Lex..."
Willow's smile somehow managed to grow, and her voice showed it as she started speaking. "Yeah... I was nervous, I mean really, really nervous, I had tried to run, but Abby dragged me back, and I had the distinct feeling she would have wrestled me to the ground if I had tried to run."
Buffy smiled. "No, she probably would have had Ziva do it, but wrestling with a oiled up naked woman would have went with the theme of the afternoon it seems."
Willow giggled, her eyes wide and excited. "Oh I got pinned by naked girl, but it wasn't Ziva. So I was there, just in my panties, and reminding myself to breathe while I looked around at a roof FULL of BEAUTIFUL naked women. Lex then tells me to sit up so she can get lotion on my back so I don't burn. So I managed to sit up instead of passing out and suddenly she's there, and oh my God Buffy she was firm with the muscles, but her skin was SO soft, and her hands were SO warm and she was rubbing them ALL over my body and pressing her NAKED body into mine!"
Willow was shaking with glee as she continued talking, and from Buffy's expression she was starting to worry her friend might forget to breathe as she kept speaking at a rapid clip. "And I mean I could feel EVERYTHING pressing into me! Her breasts were all perky and firm, but nice and squishy when they were pressed into my back, and her... um I'm not making you uncomfortable am I? I mean you don't like the girl bits like I like the girl bits..."
Buffy laughed softly. "But I have them. So don't worry."
Willow nodded. "Ok, so I can feel her... girl bits even at the small of my back, and I'm just trying to remember in with the good air and out with the bad, and wondering if this is what a heart attack feels like..." Buffy laughed out loud at that and Willow giggled as well. "And then she tells me to lay back, and Buffy, I lay back, and I knew I would let her do anything she wanted to me."
Buffy was grinning. "Willow? You did let her do anything she wanted to you."
Willow perked up, her smile growing, her shoulders back. "Yeah! I did didn't I? So she lays me on my back, and she slides between my legs, and I think she wanted to kiss my ankle!" Buffy was just nodding. "And then she starts rubbing the suntan lotion into my legs, and I feel like I'm about to explode, and Lex... Lex saw it too because she's then leaning in by my ear, and those amazing squishy breasts are resting on top of mine, and she asks if she should... finish."
Willow let out a giggle at her own word, but didn't give Buffy any time to comment. "And I nod because on some level I KNOW I'm surrounded by women who were watching me, and would see me..."
Buffy interrupted. "And that probably made it a little hotter?"
Willow blushed deeply, and nodded. "So I nodded, but that wasn't enough! Lex was going to make me say it, and I did. I mean I just said yes, but I said the word, I let her know I wanted to to make me..."
Buffy interrupted again. "Finish?"
Willow nodded vigorously. "Finish! But she didn't just make me finish. She straddled my hips and Buffy I could feel her... girl bits pressing down on my girl bits as she rubbed the lotion into my..."
Buffy interrupted again. "Upper girl bits?"
Willow kept nodding. "Upper girl bits, and I..."
Buffy was smiling as she interrupted this time. "Finished?"
Willow sighed happily. "Finished... I mean I had heard some girls could... finish that way, but I never had, but she was so amazing as she made me finish while smiling down at me with those incredible eyes. I wonder if she would like to do a ritual?"
Buffy frowned, but Willow didn't seem to notice. The conversation had started with Willow's shock that she had turned out to be a bonobo, and after Willow explained that to her Buffy had started getting nervous.
While she was happy Willow was happy, especially after being celibate since Tara had left her, she knew Willow WASN'T a bonobo, and hearing Willow already out to plan casting with Lex just let Buffy know she was right.
Willow however still seemed to be floating on the cloud Lex had left her on, and wanted to share her tale with the third member of their old group from high school, and even as Buffy followed her to go find Xander Buffy prayed it wouldn't go further because she didn't want to see the look on Giles face if Willow tried to tell the tale to her Watcher.
As they looked for Xander Buffy thought Willow had to be hearing theme music in her head, because the slender red head was practically strutting around the Lock, and Buffy's apprehension grew. Though everyone knew Lex's rep Buffy wondered if Willow knew just how big a club she had joined.
Neither of them were surprised when they found Xander in the mess hall, and Buffy put in her order while Willow began relating her tale.
Xander's first reaction was open mouthed shock, but then it morphed into a smile. "Well! I'm glad I don't have a gypsy curse because I would have just lost my soul!"
Buffy scowled at the reminder, but didn't speak.
"All right Will! Quasi-scoring with my name sake!"
Both women looked quizzically at his words, and Xander realized he should elaborate. "I'm Alexander, she's Alexandra..."
Buffy saw an opportunity to try to remind Willow what she had gotten into. "And she scores with countless women without even trying..."
Willow however interrupted, not seeming to even notice Buffy's attempt to remind her. "And you..." Her expression softened. "Don't"
He then scowled. "Well I may have if I could have made it to the naked party on the roof."
Willow grinned. "Um, probably not Xander. Lex actually nicknamed the roof 'No Man's Land."
Xander picked up on the glowing tone Willow used for the other witches name and he and Buffy shared a worried look before Xander started speaking. "Wait a minute! It's women only? That's discrimination!"
Willow rolled her eyes. "You sound exactly like Tony."
Buffy gave Xander the eye. "You sound exactly like Tony a lot of the time. What's up with that?"
Xander smiled, shrugging as he kept eating. "We know helping the team let off steam with some humor is more important then a little bit of ego."
Both women looked at each other, and blinked before Buffy spoke. "Who are you, and what have to done with Xander Harris?"
The man grinned. "Well I've been accused of trying to make him go blind, but that's not really dinner table conversation."
Buffy smiled as she rolled her eyes. "And there's the Xander we know and love."