Friend of my Friend Chapter 35.

Apr 19, 2010 02:09

Title: Friend of my Friend

Author: Dark Wyldchilde (

Rating:NC-17, this is me, there will be sex, and there will be violence.

Pairing: Faith/Tara, Ziva/Abby

Setting: This is the fourth story in my Lock series.

Summary: Marines are missing, and turning up as vampires. The Lock is seeking out the source, and will do so with some new allies.

Spoilers: This story can and will combine any elements I care to from all of the runs of Buffy and Angel as well as the Stony Man Farm/Executioner books. Now it also includes NCIS to present, but it will also contradict them as necessary, because much to my own delight it's taken on a life of it's own.

I have also decided to tinker with the Buffy/Angel time lines since in the case of Buffy the show has been done almost 7 years now.

Disclaimers: This is an independent, non-profit work of fanfiction. I know there are at least three sets (or more) of copyrights involved, and this story is not a challenge to any of them.

Wyld's Notes: You probably shouldn't be reading this story unless you've read my earlier fics "Life on the Farm" "Declaration of War" and "The Front" because without them this story might get confusing.

On a NCIS note I need to add I am keeping the Ziva/Gibbs cannon that she killed Ari to save Gibbs, and not the more recent nonsense that it was to get Gibbs to trust her.

More importantly I must send out my personal thanks to Lisa Countryman. She has been a wonderful sounding board, and has been essential in making this fic possible, including spoon feeding me the incredibly funny chapter 5, writing three whole chapters herself, and healthy sections of other chapters as well.

I also need to add a special thanks and welcome to my new beta reader laura jones.

Chapter 35.
Leroy Jethro Gibbs was sitting in the Lock's mess hall finishing a plate of scrambled eggs, crisp bacon, toast, and his ubiquitous cup of coffee. He had his glasses perched on his nose while he sipped his coffee, and read the morning paper.

The lead story was about the "insurgent surge" that had been happening in Afghanistan that had seemingly culminated in an attack on a Marine base.

He frowned his displeasure even as he continued to read. Gibbs was a man who believed in the truth. He served it as a Marine, and he sought it in NCIS, and while that led many people to call him blunt or rude, he had no regrets.

What made the situation worse however was the fact that he understood the need for the deception. It was much like the terrorist events that never made the papers to avoid causing a panic, ignorance really was bliss, and a sad number of people... Gibbs cursed DiNozzo in his mind for putting a movie Marine reference in his head... "couldn't handle the truth."

There was also the fact that besides being a seeker of truth Gibbs was also a cynic, and he was sure that those who could handle the truth of the supernatural would try to handle it for power, and they wouldn't be like Tara or her people who used that power to protect others.

No they would be the selfish and the cruel who would use that power to enrich themselves or injure those who got in their way.

What really got under the Marine's skin however was the fact that the brave men and women who were lost in the attack on the base, or in the attack on the caves, or who fell under the fangs of the Marshal's men earlier, would be listed as killed by this "insurgent surge" rather then receiving the honors they deserved for battling the very forces of Hell.

A later story was about the continuing investigation of an explosion at a Los Angels based security firm. It had turned out that they were storing illegal munitions there, and at some point during the night they had went off, leveling the building. The story then went on to state that it appeared no one had been working that night since no human remains were found in the rubble, and that no one from the company could be reached for comment.

He knew they never would be as he had killed one of their top people himself, and the other had been locked away in the deepest, and darkest hole his niece's alarming reach could find.

Yet he was far more comfortable with that sequence of events as he had lived long enough to know that no matter how much he respected the legal system, it was not perfect and at times the pursuit of justice took one outside of it. He had been there more then once himself, and was confident his niece had the moral compass to negotiate those gray areas.

The sounds of multiple sets of footfalls made Gibbs look up to see the group of soldiers approaching him, his soldiers. He had been speaking from both the heart and from experience when he had been speaking to the Marshall. While Abby may have never fired a weapon at another person, and the only people Ducky cut into were already dead, they were his soldiers as much as DiNozzo or David, and his soldiers looked united in purpose as they stood before him.

Gibbs had a good guess what it was about, but he didn't let that show as he took of his glasses and regarded them calmly. "All packed?"

That made their expressions tighten, and Gibbs knew what they wanted to talk to him about, but he kept his expression, and his silence as he was unsurprised to see Tony step forward as their appointed spokesman.

"We think we should stay Boss."

Gibbs took off his glasses. "You think so DiNozzo?"

Tony sat down across from Gibbs. "Yeah I do Boss. We've done a lot of good at NCIS, but that was just for our little corner of the world. Here we can save the whole she-bang on a regular basis."

Gibbs arched his brows."You got a cape I don't know about Tony?"

Tony rolled his eyes in frustration. "You know what I mean Boss. The threats they deal with here are a lot bigger then who killed the Chief Petty Officer Du Jour. They face threats that can target whole continents on a slow day."

Gibbs look was skeptical. "They've been doing just fine already."

Abby then spoke up. "They have been doing fine, but they could do great with our help."

Gibbs looked over at Abby. "You don't know what you're talking about Abs. Tony nearly died twice out in the field, the first time when a infiltrator demon got the drop on him, and the second time when we nearly got suffocated in the caves."

Tony interrupted. "For the record Boss, I got the drop on her."

Gibbs nodded reluctantly. "And what would happen the next time DiNozzo?"

Tony met Gibbs eyes. "The same thing that could happen with a normal perp Boss. We've faced life and death situations all the time at NCIS, and that INCLUDES Abby, Ducky, and Palmer. We survived our first case here, and that was with a days worth of training. We'll do better, and they'll do better with us helping them."

McGee then joined in. "They're an excellent on the destroy in search and destroy Boss, and if the information exists electronically then Willow can find it, but when it comes to good old fashioned investigation they aren't at our level."

Abby followed Tim with barely a break between their sentences. "Not to mention their scientific resources are directed inward to maintaining their people and their gear. I already have ideas for new weapons and gear that could give them huge advantages."

Surprisingly Jimmy Palmer then spoke up. "Not to mention the vampire that attacked me did so AT NCIS. The problem is that we we can't go back to not knowing the threat is out there."

Tony nodded. "He's right Boss. I don't think I could go back to cold calling a suspects old employers when I know that on the other coast they're here fighting to keep the mouth of Hell shut."

Gibbs focused on Jimmy. "They already would have Sam, AND Ducky here Palmer. You could end up an assistant for the rest of your life."

Jimmy blushed. "Doubtful considering their workloads, especially with some of the things Doctor Mallard has planned, but even if that were the case it would be more satisfying then cutting up corpses for the FBI."

He looked at Ducky, and the older man grinned, looking at the floor. "I have a few ideas that I believe could help them around here, but I'll also honestly admit there's whole new worlds of knowledge here Jethro, and I want to explore them."

Gibbs smiled at the Doctor's obvious enthusiasm, then he looked at Ziva. "I think I've heard from everyone but you David."

She blushed a little, and wouldn't meet Gibbs gaze. "I go where Abby goes."

Abby smiled a wide, delighted smile, and took Ziva's hand in her own while Gibbs rolled his eyes, but smiled. He then paused, looking again from person to person. "And that's how you feel?" At their chorus of nods he gave one of his own. "Good, because I agree."

He stood up, making a sweeping motion with his hand. "Come on."

They followed him as a mass as he walked to Tara's office. They stopped outside it and Gibbs held up a hand. "Ok, let's not all crowd her. Wait here a second."

Gibbs reached out to the door handle, but Ziva stopped him when she spoke up. "You may wish to knock first."

He arched a brow at her.

She shrugged. "Trust me."

Abby was looking over at her girlfriend with a grin as she settled back and Gibbs stepped forward to knock.

Tara's voice beckoned from inside and Gibbs opened the door, and froze, as did the people behind him. Tara was leaning over the paperwork on her desk with a small set of glasses perched on her nose, and her resemblance to Leroy Jethro Gibbs was such that it had the man himself reeling.

So much that Tara was able to look up, regard them, take off her glasses, and then smile. "So you're staying?"

Gibbs nodded.

Tara's smile grew. "I'll start the paperwork." She then frowned. "I was actually going to have you met with Lex. I know she and Ziva work together well." A small growl of protest from Abby interrupted Tara, but she simply grinned as she continued. "And I think she would be a valuable resource for your team on supernatural matters."

Gibbs frowned, finally finding his voice. "I approve all members of my team Tara."

Tara nodded vigorously. "Of course, and if you don't think she could work you could also interview Angel. I had planned him for Scooby Squad as he has worked with them back when he was a vampire, but I want your team with someone with the full range of occult knowledge. The final choice however will be yours."

He nodded. "Okay."

Tara then frowned. "If I only knew where Lex was."

Gibbs turned to Tony. "DiNozzo. Go find Lex, and bring her back here."

Tony nodded. "On it Boss!"

femslash, btvs, the lock, ncis

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