Cool? Who, me?

Apr 27, 2008 18:37

I was tagged a couple days ago by
parrot_sketch to do the dork meme which goes something like this...List 5 dorky things about yourself and tag five others who may have dorky tendencies under a cool exterior. Well, I aint gonna tag anybody as it seems that everybody I know has already been tagged, but I will do the meme *grumbles*

So here goes...

1. As a teenager I wore bubblegum jeans and ugg boots.  Well, the ugg boots seem cool now...but still...  And those bubblegum jeans?  Does anybody remember them - skin tight with long 'bubbled' ridges.  Oh, how much did I love watching 'The Wedding Singer'?!!!  *sigh*

2. So I'll admit I am a trekkie - but in my own defence I really only got into it during the Next Generation series.  And is it really so bad that at one time all of my pets were named after star trek characters?

3. I totally dislike almost anything considered 'girly'.  I am a total tomboy.  I hate pink...I hate shoes...although I do tend to show off my really large breastesses, lol, by wearing low cut tank tops.  If you've got it, flaunt it as they say.  Which reminds me of the first words my father said to my mother, "If you fell over you wouldn't hurt your nose!"

4. I carry a book where ever I go and I have for as long as I can remember.  I cannot even tell you how many books I have read and I have a totally ecclectic taste.

5. I received straight A's in school and recieved awards for general excellence.  I was so shy I could barely stand in front of a group of 3, let alone a classroom.  Oh, and I really hated sports.

meme, dorks, skybelpb, rl

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