Aug 09, 2010 06:28
To make up for our high backlog, all this week we're going to have to come into work an hour early which means 6am instead of 7am. First of all, I would much rather come in an hour early than stay an hour late, and I much prefer coming into work early instead of giving up a day off. Unfortunately, there's really not much I can do right now to help with the backlog since I'm up front organizing files. Is it weird of me to actually like mucking around with that sort of thing? I think I get excited by the overall idea of organizing and creating a new system.
I managed to locate all the files on Friday, now all that's left is to print off new labels, somehow correct the ones that have mistakes to match the electronic plan, and delete the shit that shouldn't be there in the first place. And then, once the inspection is over, start over from scratch because this entire plan is bullshit enough to piss me off. Today will also consist of organizing the electronic files because holy appletits none of that has been updated since 2004.
What would this lab do without me? Most likely find another sucker to do this job.
Also, the internet doesn't seem to be all that stable this morning. Boo~
adventures in af