Zuldraz is a level 70 troll shaman, resto spec. In order to keep his sanity, he's been advised to keep a Rage Diary, so that he has a safe place to vent his frustrations. Trust me, you don't want an irritable healer in your party....
Last night, I was in The Nexus (reg, of course.) We wiped... countless times. This was on the trash mobs just before we hit the Librarian chick.
I will freely acknowledge that there were a couple of mage/warlock deaths because I wasn't paying attention to them as carefully as I might've.
However, the tpks were all of the form: tank is down under 50% health, I start pulling out heavy heals, tank loses aggro, I die, everyone dies.
Tank should not be losing aggro to my heals.
And I should not have to be healing tank that hard from single groups of trash mobs.
So, in an attempt to dissect where the problem is, I inspect our tank (71 orc warrior, btw). Three or four of his pieces of armor (didn't check his weapons) were purples. From level 60. At the time, they looked like pvp rewards, to me- it turns out that at least one of them was tier 2.
So, I said- friendly like, I thought- "[Tank], it looks like you're wearing a lot of level 60 pvp gear?"
(btw, that one was verbatim.)
Me: *links the three pieces I noticed*
Him: Don't argue with me!
Him: All I see are purples, baby! Don't be hatin!
Me: Level 60 epeen gear doesn't really cut it in Northrend, dude.
Him: Then get someone better or learn how to heal!
Me: I'm out.
(rest of group: Me too.)
Him: Can't take a couple of comments, huh?
Me: No, I just don't feel like educating the ignorant.
Me: /ignore
The rest of the group, btw, more or less thanked me for trying and apologized.
*sigh* They will all pay, come the Day of Reckoning.
EDIT: He's also specced for dps: