watching deathnote again

Jul 24, 2008 22:12

god I love it, L, ryuk and light I love them so much, L the most tho hes badass x3

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i wish I could be half the freak he is x3

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tho I must admit i love ryuk alot too something bout the whole god of death thing x3

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and I can't forget the hero of death note light yagami I so gotta find a way to get those badass red eyes x3

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I find that I am a mix between light and L while I think L was correct in killing mass people I am treated more like L a freak no one thinks much of. why just today my cousin the stupid dumbass who is only recently got somewhat smart thanks to the wonders of some drug, without it hes pretty much the biggest dumbfuck here, has started to hate me lol, its people like him who really need to die the stupid retards that are barley a cut above trailer trash who think so highly of there worthless lives. he has a step sister that talks alot of trash but guess what? its only behind peoples backs, she has 3 kids and each has its own dad too, kinda glad I was born on the semi intelligent side of the family
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