Ya know, customers_suck sometimes sucks.

Jan 10, 2009 19:57

On my old alphawolf1071 journal, I was part of a few comedic communitites, one of them being customers_suck .  DIdn't for one reason or another add it onto my communities when I expanded this journal, and would occasionally wander back to my old journal and read some stories.  Yesterday I was muddling around through LJ when I went into a friend's post...can't remember for sure whose, it may have been moiracoon , and noticed they were in C_S.  Decided to go ahead and add it to this journal and give myself some laughs.  It didn't take me long to remember the main reason I hadn't added C_S to this journal...

The wars.....the bloody, nuke-dropping, mutant-spawning FLAME wars some of these children will get into over the STUPIDEST shit in posts is just mind-boggling.  The child-havers vs. the child haters, the old vs the eldery haters, and more often than not, it's over something that you really have to go out of your way to become offended by!!!   It makes whats going on in the Gaza Strip look like the Israelis and Palestinians are sitting around a campfire singing Kum Bah Ya and roasting marshmallows (kosher ones, of course).  How are you getting any enjoyment out of a community that spawns dozens of posts each day when you're going through and policing sometimes HUNDREDS of comments per post.  Seriously?  Some people have that much time on their hands?  Get the hell over here and clean my bathroom then, and I'll put my time to more constructive intrawebs pursuits, like DLing  more Smurf slash pr0n or something....
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