Apr 12, 2010 01:58
Well, the landlord changeover has been, quite frankly, a pain in the ass. Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork! I'll be glad to be shot of some of it tomorrow, but there is no way in *hell* I believe it's gonna be over that simply. I just fricking know it. Mainly because my landlord (who is nice as anything, but new as heck to all this) has not handed me a copy of the darn tenancy agreement, and has gone on holiday, so I can't ask him *now*. All this paperwork, and associated hassle, has meant I haven't had time to do this week's ChoW *again*.
Naturally, I'm a bit annoyed about that. Of course, it's not all unavoidable. For example, good samaritan that I am, I've been pulling a lot of all nighters helping people clear up their confusion. I've got a lot of concerned talks from my ladyfriend M and my cariad Kira about this, among other people, and I can perfectly understand their concern, but... well, it's the way I am, y'know? I may be a cock at times, enjoy inappropriate humour, and I may be *incredibly* cynical about the world, but... deep down, I'm a bleeding heart, y'know? I can't idly stand by and watch someone in trouble without helping somehow... But in at least one case, I'm gonna have to, because both M and Kira are most likely right about this individual... and possibly the other too, although I consider it less likely.
Anyways, for those old friends reading this, and thinking "Oh, God in heaven above and all the baby cherubs, he's wasting his money again!", rest your mind on that. Bills are all being paid, and I even talked to Natwest's credit department directly about that damn overdraft (they're at least listening this time, even if they immediately say "Well, we can't do this no matter how much it would let us be shot of you" in a more polite fashion...) So life's alright there.
Anyway, things are moving, and much quicker than anybody in my close-ish circle anticipated. And by anybody, I really *mean* anybody. That's worrying me a lot more than I'm lettin' on (until now), because when things *really* start moving, I guess there'll be damn good *cause* for gettin' worried. Oh, I could bitch about certain things right now, but I think I'll leave it at "Damn, I wish the timing of all of this could be better!"
But time and tide wait for no man, woman, or thing, so... Even though there's not a lot I can do about the speed of things... I'm still trying my damnedest, and losing sleep over it too. Like I said: I'm a bleeding heart like that.